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Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Albuquerque Families Call on President Obama to Finalize Mercury Protections at “Mercury Pollution is Scary” Halloween action


Sierra Club event demonstrates public demand for federal protections from toxic mercury from coal-fired power plants like Four Corners Power Plant

On October 31, dozens of Albuquerque moms, dads and children gathered on Coal Avenue for a “Mercury Pollution is Scary” Halloween action, demanding strong federal protections from toxic mercury pollution. The Halloween-themed family event was sponsored by the Sierra Club, and demanded that President Obama bring protections from mercury emitted by coal-fired power plants “across the finish line” by the end of 2011.

“All the children look cute in their Halloween costumes, but knowing what toxic mercury could do to their little bodies is truly scary,” said Shrayas Jatkar, Organizing Representative with the Sierra Club in New Mexico.  “It’s up to President Obama to get us across the finish line with strong mercury protections by the end of the year.”

Currently, power plants are currently allowed to spew mercury pollution without national limits.  As a statement released by the Sierra Club explains, dirty coal-fired power plants are the number one source of mercury pollution in the U.S., emitting more than 130,000 pounds of toxic mercury pollution in 2009. Once power plants emit mercury into the air, it rains down into rivers and streams and eventually makes its way to human bodies via contaminated fish.

Mercury exposure has been linked to developmental disorders and learning disabilities. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), at least 1 in 12, and as many as 1 in 6, American women of childbearing age have enough mercury in their bodies to put their babies at risk.

Local residents have long been concerned that Four Corners Power Plant emits life-threatening air pollution including mercury. Four Corners ranks 12th highest in mercury emissions among all U.S. coal plants according to an Environment America report released earlier this year.  

“Mercury is a real problem for New Mexicans,” said Christina Glessner, a volunteer leader with the local Sierra Club. “Four Corners Power Plant is emitting toxic mercury into the air we breathe and the water we drink, right now.  President Obama and the EPA need to step in to protect our health and the environment.”

More than 800,000 Americans have already demonstrated their support for strong EPA protections from mercury pollution which were proposed in March. The new protections would reduce mercury in our air and water by over 90%.

Monday’s event featured parents and kids in Halloween costumes waving signs that highlight how scary coal pollution is to passers-by on Coal Avenue, as a fun way for families to call on President Obama to protect their health from toxic mercury.

If enacted, federal mercury protections will save money for working families suffering health problems from toxic pollution, and create jobs installing pollution-control equipment on outdated power plants and in the expanding clean energy industry.

November 1, 2011 at 10:33 PM in Energy, Environment, Green Economy | Permalink
