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Thursday, February 03, 2011
State Auditor Hector Balderas Receives "Sunshine Award" from Conservation Voters New Mexico
Conservation Voters New Mexico (CVNM) presented State Auditor Hector Balderas with the 2011 CVNM Sunshine Award at a legislative reception Wednesday evening. Balderas, New Mexico’s State Auditor, was recognized for his steadfast work in rooting out fraud and corruption, and shining sunlight on the operations of state government. His hard work has resulted in millions of dollars of savings and the enforcement of key safeguards that protect New Mexico’s natural resources, according to CVNM.
“In these tough budget times, while State government is cutting critical programs and services, Auditor Balderas has stood strong and worked to ensure that not a dime is being wasted or misspent, “stated Sandy Buffett, Executive Director of Conservation Voters New Mexico, “With Auditor Balderas on the job, we can all feel more confident that the State is more efficient with its resources, and more effective in meeting its vital obligations to protect our precious water and air.”
The CVNM award is awarded annually by Conservation Voters New Mexico to individuals that demonstrate a strong commitment to the health and protection of New Mexico’s environment, citizens, and wildlife.
February 3, 2011 at 01:04 PM in Environment, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Hector Balderas | Permalink