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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Outrage of the Day: U.S. Charging Americans to Get Out of Lebanon

This statement issued by the U.S. Embassy in Beirut takes the cake:

The Department of State reminds American citizens that the U.S. government does not provide no-cost transportation but does have the authority to provide repatriation loans to those in financial need. For the portion of your trip directly handled by the U.S. Government we will ask you to sign a promissory note and we will bill you at a later date. In a subsequent message, when we have specific details about the transporation arrangments, we will inform you about the costs you will incur. We will also work with commercial aircraft to ensure that they have adequate flights to help you depart Cyprus and connect to your final destination.

Since when does the U.S. government charge its citizens for rescuing them from war zones? This is what's happening with our citzens stuck in Lebanon as Israel continues its air and rocket attacks there.  I guess the feds have to get money somewhere to help cover the massive cost-plus invoices submitted by Halliburton and Blackwater, not to mention all those billions "lost" in Iraq without a paper trail. This is not the America I grew up in. This is not America, period.

July 18, 2006 at 12:38 PM in Middle East | Permalink


The Bush Administration could careless about Americans... Bush is using our Military as Mercenaires, Americans were left behind in New Orleans and the list goes on and on. Now is the time to re-invent America and New Mexico and Rid of Corruption and Cronyism that has destroyed our Country, State and Constitution. Join UNITY08 with the mission to Dump Politicans in the likes of our Phony Gov. Richardson and Bush. Check the Link to Unity08... Eli Chavez, Progressive Independent

Posted by: Eli Chavez | Jul 18, 2006 4:37:42 PM

Charge the people caught in the cross fire for their rescue while we continue giving the ones doing the bombing millions in aid. What the hell is wrong with that picture, or more importantly, what the hell is wrong with the people running our government???

Posted by: VP | Jul 18, 2006 10:43:44 PM