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Monday, November 30, 2009

Former Sen. Fred Harris Urges GOP to Stop the Mud-Slinging

Canmud I'm sure you've noticed by now that the main political strategy of the GOP, both nationally and here in New Mexico, seems to consist of going negative early and staying negative for the duration. The out-of-power Republican Party, still teetering from its massive losses in 2008, doesn't have much to tout in the way of workable, effective solutions to our many problems.

After all, right-wing policies like deregulation, drill baby drill and and trickle-down economics have generally been discredited and are seen as having created many of the serious challenges we face today. When you're tagged with playing the lead role in creating the worst economic cataclysm since the Great Depression, getting us into two quagmires and pretty much demolishing the middle class, there's not much to work with in terms of policy.

In response, the GOP consultant class is obviously advising them to tear down Democrats instead of seriously engaging on the issues. When the most active bunch in your party consists of tea party extremists and Sarah Palin followers, there's not much room for thoughtful discussion on complicated issues. The kind of panic that can result in unprincipled mud-slinging in the waning days of a losing campaign has erupted now, more than a year before New Mexicans go to the polls.

NM Governor's Race
Here in New Mexico, negative smears from the right abound, particularly in the race for governor. GOP gubernatorial candidates -- especially Allen Weh and Susana Martinez -- have focused almost entirely on trumped up claims about the ethics of Lt. Governor Diane Denish. We've had nonstop press releases from the Martinez campaign blaming Denish for any and all perceived problems in the state. Weh has gone so far as to call a press conference to exhort the U.S. Attorney and New Mexico's AG and State Auditor to investigate Denish's use of funds based on the scurrilous and exaggerated claims of a right-wing blog funded by the Rio Grande Foundation. Similar "gotcha" blogs are being funded across the country by right-wing interests. It's easy to see the handwriting on the wall as the 2010 election cycle heats up.

Fred Harris, the highly respected UNM Professor Emeritus of Political Science and former U.S. Senator from Oklahoma who sought the 1976 Democratic presidential nomination, weighed in on the early smear tactics of the GOP in a recent op-ed in the Albuquerque Journal entitled, "Way Too Early for All This GOP Mud-Slinging." Sen. Harris has participated in a lot of political battles over the years, and has watched many more, so he knows the score on political games. But he's shocked and dismayed about the early shape of the gubernatorial race this year. You really should read the entire op-ed, but here are some nuggets to ponder as the year draws to a close:

None of the four candidates running for the Republican nomination is well-known. None has ever held statewide office and they're all just now beginning to introduce themselves to New Mexicans.

However, instead of introductions founded on ideas and solutions for our state, the Republican candidates are introducing themselves by publicly tearing someone else down. That someone, of course, is the front-runner, Democratic Lt. Gov. Diane Denish.

New Mexicans won't go to the polls for another year. But already, the Republicans are attacking Denish with the malice and recklessness that we usually don't see until the weeks right before an election.

As a voter, I simply don't have the appetite for an entire year of this.

Me, either. But that doesn't seem to matter to the right-wing attack machine:

Take two weeks ago for example. Denish announced several key reform ideas to save New Mexico taxpayers money, including overhauling the capital outlay system and eliminating double-dippers. These are solid, much-needed reforms that I believe must be implemented, but at the very least, they're worthy of public debate and discussion.

Yet, the Republican candidates didn't offer their opinions. They didn't even offer constructive criticism. Instead, on the day that Denish proposed these reforms, the Republicans just found another reason to irresponsibly attack her character.

As Sen. Harris explains, the criticisms being leveled against Lt. Gov. Denish are about everything but the kitchen sink:

The Republicans don't only attack Denish when she makes a statement herself, but they attack her for virtually anything that may appear in the news on a given day. If a state bureaucrat gets into trouble, the Republicans point their guns at Denish. When Gov. Bill Richardson makes an announcement, they unleash a flurry of press releases attacking Diane. When the Lobos lose another football game, the Republicans blame Diane. (Well, that hasn't actually happened yet, but wait.)

Sen. Harris ends with a statement of admiration about Diane Denish -- and a warning that she won't sit idly by if they continue their mud-slinging:

I've known Diane Denish for many years. While her positions on the issues are fair-game, there is nobody in New Mexico who has served our state with more honor and distinction.

So to my Republican friends in the race, I say this: Elevate the level of discourse, please. Tell us where you stand on the issues. Tell us how you would balance the state budget or how you would strengthen the education system or create new jobs.

But if the Republicans think Diane Denish is going to sit quietly and take this, then they don't know Diane Denish.


Come on, Republicans -- we challenge you to quit the smear tactics and talk policy and positions. We've witnessed the Party of No -- the Party of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh and others without a shred of credibility -- sling mud everywhere. What we haven't seen are any sensible plans to address the complex problems we face as the first decade of the 21st century draws to a close.

November 30, 2009 at 12:31 PM in 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, Republican Party | Permalink


Pleased to see a prominent Democrat speaking out against abuse and smear tactics by the Republican candidates. Voters are sick of this!

Posted by: Lin | Nov 30, 2009 1:50:13 PM

The GOP is going to do this over and over. Extremist forces are giving big financial support inside and outside the party. I hope the Democrats are ready to fight back.

Posted by: Stand Up and Fight! | Nov 30, 2009 2:26:49 PM

It is disappointing that Janice Arnold-Jones was smeared in this piece against "smearing".

Neither Harris nor Denish is willing to acknowledge what might have been a careless overstep, but is now a deliberate distortion of a very simple truth; no one can point to a single thing that Arnold-Jones has said or done for which she deserves any of this criticism.

Posted by: ched macquigg | Dec 1, 2009 6:43:44 AM

@Ched, I follow your blog and frankly you are starting to sound like a broken record.

Classic politics, when you have no ideas of your own you spend all your time and energy demonizing your opponent. The only Republican who seems to stand above the fray is Doug Turner. Fact of the matter is, Denish is the most qualified and competent candidate for the job by a HUGE margin.

And one more thing Ched, Arnold-Jones' plan to compel (I assume she will use compulsion since she fails to elaborate the details every time she mentions the idea) employees of our national labs to assist in education is absolutely ridiculous and bordering on totally naive.

Posted by: William Nie | Dec 1, 2009 7:33:29 AM

thank you for your ad hominem attack
and the validation of my point, that it provides.

Posted by: ched macquigg | Dec 1, 2009 9:23:29 AM

Arnold-Jones is a Republican. That means she agrees with the sleazy mud that the GOP chairman Harvey Yates has been slinging unless she comes out with a statement saying otherwise. She is part of the GOP noise machine.

Posted by: Old Dem | Dec 1, 2009 11:33:27 AM

Top notch op-ed by Harris. We need more Democrats to speak out publicly like this. It's not acceptable to let Republicans get away with this sleaze.

Posted by: Sean | Dec 1, 2009 12:35:47 PM

@Ched: Mr. Nie's response was not argumentum ad hominem. "You" is the more common usage, not "one." The comment was not personal.

@Stand up: You're right. We can expect much more of this, because it's really all they have.

Posted by: Proud Democrat | Dec 1, 2009 4:46:46 PM

I was talking about his first sentence.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Posted by: ched macquigg | Dec 1, 2009 7:45:30 PM