Thursday, May 29, 2008

SD 17: Tim Keller Earning Unprecedented Dem Support

Tim Keller (L) with Rey Garduno at campaign event

Do you live in NM Senate District 17 in Albuquerque's SE Heights? Click here for a map of the District or visit this page at the website of the Bernalillo County and enter your address to determine your District. If you're a registered District 17 Democrat, it's incredibly important that you get out and vote in the Democratic primary on June 3rd.

The primary features a heated battle between reformer Tim Keller and long-time incumbent Shannon Robinson. Robinson has been the focus of a growing number of news reports highlighting his highly questionable actions related to getting funding for the UNM Rugby Club he coaches. He's also been called on neglecting the needs of his District while focusing instead on serving the powerful.

This is a race that pits a change candidate who will fight to clean up government and work hard to bring positive improvements to his District against an insider who's gotten way too comfortable in his seat and who fights hardest for the well-connected and the status quo. Given the strongly Democratic demographics of Senate District 17, whoever wins the Dem primary will no doubt take the seat.

With the primary election nearing, challenger Tim Keller has earned the endorsement of key progressive Democrats, neighborhood and community leaders, as well as nearly a dozen Democratic groups in his run in the Democratic Primary for State Senate in District 17.

"The support Tim has received is unprecedented for a challenger," says veteran Democratic leader Richard Romero. "To me, it says that people believe that Tim represents democratic values of integrity and ethics. The voters in his district are looking for this sort of change."

Tim is also endorsed by Rey Garduno, the Albuquerque City Councilor who represents half of the district, and State Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino.

Organizations that have endorsed Tim include:

  • Albuquerque Teachers Federation
  • National Educational Association, New Mexico
  • New Mexico Professional Firefighters Association
  • Conservation Voters New Mexico
  • DFA-Democracy for New Mexico
  • ACORN, New Mexico
  • Hispano Round Table de Nuevo México
  • New Mexico Progressive Action
  • Albuquerque Area Firefighters Local 244
  • Sierra Club

Local neighborhood leaders who have endorsed Tim are:

  • Joanne Landry, Trumbull Neighborhood Association President
  • Enrique Cardiel, Neighborhood Leader, South San Pedro
  • Nancy Bearce, District 6 Neighborhood Coalition President
  • Charlie Bennet, Democrat Ward Chair, La Mesa Neighborhood

Tim Keller, a progressive Democrat from Albuquerque, is active in the Democrat Party, serving as a Ward Chair and as the Bernalillo County Party Parliamentarian. More can be found about Tim Keller at his website. Tim can be reached at

Whether you live in Tim's District or not, consider helping out with canvassing and phone banking in the final days of the campaign and on election day.

To see our previous posts about Tim Keller, visit our legislative race archive.

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May 29, 2008 at 04:56 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

SD 17: "Alligators" Uninterested in Shannon Robinson Scandals?

Tkeller_2Longtime incumbent Dem State Senator Shannon Robinson is facing a tough primary challenge from political newcomer Tim Keller, who's campaigning hard in District 17 on issues like ethics and campaign finance reform, health care, education and local small business development. Robinson has been accused by many in the District of being out of touch with residents and neglectful of the community's needs for balanced economic development and investment. They say Robinson has been so caught up in finding less than respectable ways to fund his hobby -- the UNM Rugby Club -- and paying too much attention to serving the needs of politicos with power that he's no longer effectively serving his constituents.

RobinsonThe brouhaha about Robinson's (left) shortcomings and questionable practices has broken through into the media, with extensive coverage of his Rugby Club shenanigans related to funding from UNM and the Legislature, as well as his failure to report a rather long list of misdemeanor run-ins with the law in his answers to questions posed to him by the Albuquerque Journal. These scandals have also gotten their fair share of coverage in the local blogs. A good summary of the scandals -- and Robinson's history of fighting reform -- is contained in this post  by Heath Haussamen. However, one blogger has been strangely silent about the matter.

Joe Monahan and his "Alligators" have taken a "see-no-evil" stance when it comes to Robinson's transgressions. I see that this morning Joe finally mentioned Shannon Robinson's big problems with ethics and credibility, but only in passing:

Robinson has been the subject of some unfavorable newspaper pieces in recent weeks, but friends say he is off the couch and on the sidewalks to keep the seat.

Here's a blogger whose "Alligators" are frequently weighing in on political rumors and scandals -- perceived or real -- and yet they've remained mum as a slew of well documented articles have reported on the more than questionable dealings of long-time incumbent Shannon Robinson. Just for starters:

Albuquerque Journal Stories (7 Stories; 2 editorials)

  • 1/13/08, Money Scrum; UNM Think Tank Cash Diverted to Rugby
  • 1/18/08, VP Knew of Rugby Funding
  • 1/20/08, Editorial: Complex Handoff Pays Rugby Player Tutition
  • 1/21/08, Rugby Figure Revised Downward; Auditors still say Cash diversion from UNM Think Tank to team improper
  • 2/7/08, More State Cash for Rugby; UNM official says school didn't ask for $150K
  • 2/9/08, Editorial: Rugby Scores Again
  • 2/23/08, Rugby Flap Spurs Changes at UNM; School Tightens Spending Rules
  • 5/11/08 Lawmaker/Coach Calls the Shots For UNM Rugby
  • 5/13/08 Veteran Lawmaker Fails to Disclose Violations

Latest Robinson Scandal
Guess what? Today's Journal reports on ANOTHER accusation of cheating on the part of Robinson, this time leveled by two local environmental groups. Seems that Robinson used the names and logos of Environment New Mexico and Conservation Voters New Mexico on his latest flyer and campaign website in a way the groups believe is meant to suggest he's received their endorsements. He hasn't. Representatives of the groups are asking Robinson to stop circulating the flyers and remove the references from his website:

Environment New Mexico sent out a letter Thursday asking Robinson to stop distributing the flier and to remove certain references to the organization on his Web site.

Robinson said Friday that he had removed Environment New Mexico references from his Web site,, but that he had no way to recall the fliers.

Sandy Buffett, Conservation Voters New Mexico executive director, said the flier gives the wrong impression.

"It's outrageous he would try to confuse voters with the unauthorized use of our logo and brand," Buffett said.

Why is Monhan's Silence An Issue?
Monahan didn't mention the environmental groups' complaints this morning either. He did include two offhand slaps at Keller, who is running as a strong supporter of ethics reform and the need for some house cleaning in government. Change vs. business as usual.

I guess it's really not surprising given the mockery that's been aimed at ethics and campaign finance reform efforts by Monahan and his so-called "wall leaner" insiders. Shannon Robinson has been an impediment to a number of reform measures in the Legislature, so he's apparently on the Alligator love list. He's one of them -- he plays along with the insider club -- so they no doubt have a strong inclination to band together to protect Robinson and his power base.

I think it's important that Monahan be called on his omissions and distortions given that so many seem to view him as a neutral, "journalistic" reporter on local politics. Not exactly. If you look carefully, you'll see that quite often there's a clear agenda that shades his commenting, on this and other races. Nothing wrong with that -- unless you're selling yourself as being fair and impartial. If you're an advocate, you should make that clear and quit portraying yourself as "nonpartisan" and interested only in the facts. Get it, Joe?

DFA-Democracy for New Mexico has endorsed Tim Keller for Senate. Others that have endorsed Keller include:

  • Albuquerque Teachers Federation
  • National Educational Association, New Mexico
  • New Mexico Professional Fire Fighters Association
  • Conservation Voters New Mexico
  • ACORN, New Mexico
  • New Mexico Progressive Action
  • Albuquerque Area Firefighters Local 244
  • Sierra Club
  • Albuquerque Journal

If you want to bring back honest government at the Roundhouse, please do what you can to support Keller's campaign.

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May 20, 2008 at 11:37 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Local Politics, Media | Permalink | Comments (4)

Monday, May 19, 2008

SD 15: John Blair Endorsed by Journal, Fundraiser Tomorrow

John_blair_headshot_2John Blair's campaign for NM Senate in Albuquerque's District 15 got another big boost recently when the Albuquerque Journal endorsed his candidacy in the Dem primary:

DISTRICT 15, John W. Blair: The 34-year-old Democrat is a new face on the electoral roster but has paid his dues in policy work and in other candidates' campaigns. He has worked as an aide to U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman, served as chief of staff to State Auditor Hector Balderas and managed the successful statewide campaign of state Supreme Court Justice Edward Chavez

Blair is stepping out in front of his own campaign this year because "voters want change," like capital outlay funds appropriated to meet pressing needs in the district every year -- not just election years. They want health care reform, Blair says, not a power struggle over the power of appointment to a health care oversight panel. They want government that is open and responsive to the public, not to lobbyists. They want lawmakers who solve problems, Blair says. Democrats in this mid-Northeast Heights district should support John Blair.

The Journal's endorsement added to an already impressive list of endorsements John's campaign has garnered:

  • The Albuquerque Teachers Federation
  • AFSCME - The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
  • AFT New Mexico - The American Federation of Teachers New Mexico
  • DFA-Democracy for New Mexico
  • NEA-NM - The National Education Association-New Mexico

If we want a smart, hard working, fair-minded and foward-thinking Democrat to take on incumbent Repub Diane Snyder this Fall, now's the time to step up and support John Blair. Here's one way:

A Reception for John Blair
Candidate for State Senate, New Mexico's 15th District

With Hosts
Mario Benavidez • Evan Blackstone • Sharon Gentry • Patrick Griebel
Robert Lara • Leanne Leith • Carla Martinez • Lori Martinez
Brian Miller • Brandt Milstein • Tiffany Oliver Leigh • Nasha Torrez
Raul Torrez • DeAnza Valencia • Jennifer Wernersbach

Tuesday, May 20th, 5:30 – 7:30 PM
O'Niell's Pub

4310 Central Avenue SE, Albuquerque
(Central at Washington in East Nob Hill)
Come out for our last fundraiser before the primary!
Suggested Contribution $50
Personal or Business Checks Accepted
RSVP to (505) 944-5947 or

I'm a big fan of Blair. Besides being a highly personable (and funny) human being, he's undoubtedly one of the hardest working candidates in this cycle's legislative races. I wouldn't be surprised if he hads blisters on his knuckles from knocking on so many doors. I hear his phone ear and number punching finger are inflamed. I'll bet he's worn out at least a couple of pairs of shoes walking his district, inch by inch, house by house, block by block. His many enthusiastic supporters are no doubt showing similar symptoms, but it will all be worth it if we can help him get the nod on June 3rd.

No matter which district we live in, it's important this cycle to support as many solid Dems as we can for legislative seats.

Other Ways to Help
If you can't make it to tomorrow night's fundraiser, you can make an online donation here. In addition, consider volunteering a few hours of your time to help John phone bank and/or canvass. Visit his campaign website and sign up to help. Do it now.

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May 19, 2008 at 02:04 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Reminder: Progressives for Tim Keller Tonight

Progressive fundraiser for Tim Keller for Senate in District 17 tonight from 5:30 to 7:00 PM. Click for FLYER. If you need more reasons to actively support a real progressive Dem who's running against an entrenched and ethically challenged incumbent, read this. I mean it. No matter which Senate District you reside in, now's the time to step up and help create a responsive Legislature.

May 15, 2008 at 02:55 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Strong Local Support: Griego Raises Nearly $60,000 for Dist. 14 State Senate Race

EgriegonewAccording to a report filed Monday, State Senate candidate Eric Griego raised a total of $59,140 in contributions from 445 donors-- the majority of whom gave $50 or less.   

"Our finance report shows we're running a grassroots campaign that has generated widespread, local support. My donors are people in our community who believe we need to change the way things are done in Santa Fe," Griego said. "The working families that have supported my campaign are the kind of people I will fight for in the legislature -- not the special interests."

Senate District 14 includes the Barelas neighborhood where Eric was born and raised along with several other neighborhoods in Albuquerque, much of the South Valley, Isleta Pueblo, East Mountain communities and several neighborhoods in Valencia County.  As a former City Councilor, Eric represented nearly one third of the Senate district from 2001-2005. 

Eric is facing incumbent James Taylor in the Democratic Primary on June 3, 2008.

Eric has over two decades of practicing, teaching and studying public policy, including working at the local, state, national and international level. He is a former City Councilor, and Assistant Secretary of Economic Development for New Mexico. Today, he is the Executive Director of New Mexico Voices for Children, a non-profit policy, research and advocacy organization.

A copy of Eric's contribution report is available upon request from the campaign.

Support Eric Griego's Campaign
DFA-Democracy for New Mexico has endorsed Eric Griego for State Senate. You're encouraged to donate a few dollars or a few hours of your time to his campaign whether or not you live in District 14. Replacing business-as-usual legislators with forward-thinking lawmakers who are dedicated to the active pursuit of vital measures like ethics and campaign finance reform, expanding quality health care and improving education would benefit all of us, not just those who live in a specific district. Please do what you can to help.

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May 13, 2008 at 10:13 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (2)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Guest Blog: Re-Elect Mary Jane Garcia for State Senate

MjgarciaThis is a guest blog by Stephanie L. DuBois of Tularosa.

Senator Mary Jane Garcia (right), a Democrat from Dona Ana, NM who serves as Majority Whip, is seeking re-election to her Senate District 36 seat. Known in her district and around the state as the "working senator," Senator Garcia has sponsored and passed some of the most significant legislation we've had in the areas of protecting children from abuse, as well as protecting women from domestic violence. She was also instrumental in the passage of legislation to make human trafficking a crime.

Senator Garcia has a tremendous work ethic and is always willing to help. She doesn't know how to say "no," and the people of New Mexico reap many benefits from her efforts. Senator Garcia has received many awards in recognition of her superior service, including  The 2007 Milagro Award titled, "The Mary Jane Garcia Champion for Animals Award," The Spirit Award 2007 for her advocacy against domestic violence and the Outstanding Woman of New Mexico Award, presented by Governor Richardson and sponsored by the Commission on the Status of Women 2007.

Recent endorsements of Senator Garcia's candidacy include those from the National Education Association, AFCSME and EMILY'S LIST. These are very important endorsements from prestigious organizations to a very deserving Senator.

I encourage Democrats in NM Senate District 36 to vote in the June 3rd primary to keep Senator Mary Jane Garcia as our State Senator. To learn more or to sign up to support her re-election, visit Senator Garcia's campaign website.

This is a guest blog by Stephanie L. DuBois of Tularosa, New Mexico. Guest blogs are an opportunity for our readers to express their opinions on matters relevant to the blog. If you'd like to submit a post for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand corner of the page.

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May 12, 2008 at 01:14 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races, Guest Blogger, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

5/15: Progressives for Tim Keller for State Senator

at the home of
907 Silver Ave SW, ABQ 87102
Thursday, May 15th • 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Click for Flyer
(light hors d’oeuvres and beverages will be provided)

Tim is endorsed by

  • Former Senator and Pro Tem Richard Romero
  • Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino
  • City Councilor Rey Garduño
  • Albuquerque Firefighters Local 244
  • New Mexico Professional Fire Fighters Association
  • Albuquerque Teachers Federation
  • Conservation Voters New Mexico
  • DFA-Democracy for New Mexico
  • Progressive Action New Mexico

Tim Keller is running for State Senate District 17
in the Democratic Primary on June 3rd
challenging Shannon Robinson.

RSVP to or call 332-9441
Richard Romero at or call 453-1986
$25, $50, $100, $250 suggested donation - all contributions welcome

If you can not attend, please consider donating online at

Checks to Tim Keller for New Mexico
11023 Vistazo Pl SE, Albuquerque, NM, 87123
Tim Keller for New Mexico
Democrat/NM State Senate/District 17
11023 Vistazo Pl SE

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May 10, 2008 at 10:43 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

¡Todos Para Tim! Launches to Support Tim Keller for State Senate


From Keller for State Senate:
Calling for change, local elected officials and neighborhood leaders will launch ¡Todos Para Tim! in support of Tim Keller's candidacy for State Senate in District 17. City Councilor Rey Garduño, whose council district makes up part of Senate District 17, will host the kick-off event.

¡Todos Para Tim! launch will take place on Thursday, May 8, at the home of Rey and Ilsa Garduño, 414 Vassar NE, from 5:30-7:30 PM. Please call 332-9441 for more information. Please see this FLYER for a complete list of the ¡Todos Para Tim! steering committee.

"The support for my campaign is as diverse as my district—and I'm proud of that. We're gaining momentum largely in part because more people are coming forward to say it's time for change. I'm grateful to have the support of well respected Democrats and neighborhood leaders," says Tim.

Local leaders have this to say:

  • Richard Romero, Former State Senator and Pro Tem: "We need to send a true Democrat like Tim to the Roundhouse. I know where Tim stands—he's ethical and competent."
  • Rey Garduño, Albuquerque City Councilor, District 6: "I look forward to working with Tim to bring much needed jobs and economic investment to the SE Heights."
  • Jerry Ortiz y Pino, State Senate, District 12: "I'll be able to work with him up at the Legislature to pass bills that helps those who need it most—our children and families."

Neighborhood leaders who support Tim include:

  • Nancy Bearce, District 6 Neighborhood Coalition President
  • Joanne Landry, Trumbull Neighborhood Association President
  • Enrique Cardiel, South San Pedro Neighborhood Leader
  • Idalia Lechuga-Teña, La Mesa Neighborhood Leader

The SE Heights is one of the most ethnically diverse districts in New Mexico. "The district's diversity is an enormous community asset and with the right leadership, it can be the cornerstone of a vibrant local economy and a cultural destination for our state," says Tim.

Tim Keller is challenging Shannon Robinson for the District 17 State Senate seat in the Democratic Primary in June. Keller has been endorsed by Albuquerque Area Firefighters, Democracy for New Mexico and Conservation Voters New Mexico (CVNM) and Progressive Action New Mexico.

More can be found about Tim Keller at his website

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May 7, 2008 at 09:18 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (1)

Friday, May 02, 2008

Leadership Roswell to Host Two-Day Candidate Forum

The Leadership Roswell Alumni Association candidate forum will be held on May 5 and 6 at 6:30 PM at the First Baptist Church, 500 N. Pennsylvania Avenue in Roswell. On May 5th the 2nd CD congressional candidates will answer questions, and on May 6th the two Republican candidates in State Senate District 33 (Rod Adair vs. Rory McMinn) and State House District 57 primaries (Dan Foley vs. Dennis Kintigh), respectively, will answer questions. Candidates in other local races will also be participating.

The candidates will answer questions prepared by the forum's committee they haven't seen ahead of time, taking turns on who answers first, and be granted two minutes each to answer. According to an article about the two-day forum in the Roswell Daily Record:

"Our ultimate goal is to educate the community so that when they go to vote they can make a knowledgeable choice on the ballot," said Rick Kraft executive director of Leadership Roswell. Kraft will participate as moderator for the forum.

"This is only the second time we've held a primary forum," he said. "With so many contested positions this year, we felt it would be a real service to the community."

This forum will mark the organization's 22nd candidate forum, said Toni Hall, chair of the Leadership Roswell Alumni Association Candidate Forum Committee.

"We're expecting excellent participation," she said.

Although candidates in uncontested primaries were not invited to participate in the primary forum, they are asked to participate in the general election forum to be held this fall, Hall said.

Seeking nomination for the 2nd Congressional seat, Democrats Bill McCamley and Harry Teague, along with Republicans Edward Tinsley, Monty Newman, Earl Greer and Greg Sowards, will participate in the forum on May 5. Republican candidate Aubrey Dunn will not be able to attend.

Seeking election to the position of district attorney for the 5th Judicial District, Republicans Janetta Hicks, and incumbent Terry Haake will also participate in the May 5 forum.

Republican candidates for state representative in District 57, Dennis Kintigh and incumbent Rep. Dan Foley, will participate in the May 6 forum, along with Republican candidates seeking the state senator position in District 33, incumbent Sen. Rod Adair and Rory McMinn.

Republican candidates for County Commission in Districts 2, 3 and 4, along with those seeking the county treasurer position, will also participate on May 6.

From District 2, Dr. Doug Gillies and Dale Haverland will be present. Kim Chesser will not be attending the forum. In District 3, incumbent Alice Eppers and opponent Kyle "Smiley" Wooton will be present, along with District 4 candidates, incumbent Richard Taylor and George Aho.

Republican candidates for county treasurer Steven C. Harris, Steve J. Staeden Jr. and Dara Dana will all participate.

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May 2, 2008 at 09:33 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races, Candidates & Races, Local Politics, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

REMINDER: Benefit Party at Flying Star for Eric Griego Tonight

EgriegonewCome on down to the Downtown Flying Star at 723-B Silver Avenue SW from 5:30 to 7:30 PM TONIGHT, April 30, for a party and benefit for Eric Griego's campaign for State Senate in District 14. There'll be refreshments, great music and lots of fun with Eric and supporters of his candidacy. Click for an EVENT FLYER.

Even if you don't live in Eric's District, it's important that we all lend our support to electing more and better Dems to the NM Legislature so we can finally get things passed like ethics and campaign finance reform and universal health care. A win by a Dem like Eric is a win for all of us.

Mary Ellen and I are among the co-hosts of this event and we'd love to see a big turnout from the readers of this blog. We know there are lots of political events going on right now, but we hope you can at least stop in, give Eric a high five and toss in a few bucks for the cause. To RSVP click here or call (505) 907-7752. Hope to see many of you tonight.

DFA-DFNM has offically endorsed Eric Griego for State Senate.

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April 30, 2008 at 09:59 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (0)