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Thursday, January 03, 2008

Tracking Iowa Caucus Results (Live Updates) - 7:30 PM, Projected Winners Obama & Huckabee

The winner of the Democratic Iowa Caucuses 2008

The winner of the Republican Iowa Caucuses 2008


UPDATE 8:30 PM: OK, this is my last update. I'm off to put my feet up and stare at the tube. You're on your own!

Senator Barack Obama: 37.52%
Senator John Edwards: 29.87%
Senator Hillary Clinton: 29.41%
Governor Bill Richardson: 2.10%
Senator Joe Biden: 0.94%
Uncommitted: 0.13%
Senator Chris Dodd: 0.02%
Precincts Reporting: 1721 of 1781

UPDATE 8:02 PM: The question is, will Obama's momentum carry him to a win in New Hampshire, where all those Independents vote? Polling consistently shows Independents like Obama, not Clinton. Will Edwards hang on through New Hampshire hoping for a miracle? Will Richardson call it quits? About 60% of caucus voters on the Repub side were reportedly evangelical Christians and most of them voted to make Huckabee the winner.

Senator Barack Obama: 37.21%
Senator John Edwards: 29.97%
Senator Hillary Clinton: 29.57%
Governor Bill Richardson: 2.15%
Senator Joe Biden: 0.94%
Uncommitted: 0.12%
Senator Chris Dodd: 0.03%
Precincts Reporting: 1650 of 1781

Earlier updates are below the fold.

UPDATE 7:47 PM: Clinton in 3rd by a minuscule margin. Youth turnout big. Dems get twice the turnout of Repubs:

Senator Barack Obama: 36.86%
Senator John Edwards: 30.15%
Senator Hillary Clinton: 29.87%
Governor Bill Richardson: 2.07%
Senator Joe Biden: 0.91%
Uncommitted: 0.10%
Senator Chris Dodd: 0.03%
Precincts Reporting: 1562 of 1781

UPDATE 7:36 PM: Razor-thin margin between Edwards and Hillary for 2nd.

Senator Barack Obama: 36.37%
Senator John Edwards: 30.47%
Senator Hillary Clinton: 30.15%
Governor Bill Richardson: 1.96%
Senator Joe Biden: 0.93%
Uncommitted: 0.09%
Senator Chris Dodd: 0.03%
Precincts Reporting: 1448 of 1781

UPDATE 7:27 PM: NBC proclaims Obama the winner! So does CNN.

Senator Barack Obama: 35.26%
Senator John Edwards: 30.99%
Senator Hillary Clinton: 30.78%
Governor Bill Richardson: 1.82%
Senator Joe Biden: 1.02%
Uncommitted: 0.11%
Senator Chris Dodd: 0.03%
Precincts Reporting: 1316 of 1781

UPDATE 7:20 PM: Obama hanging in with a slim lead. Entrance polling had about half the Dems saying their most important factor in choosing was an ability to bring about change.

Senator Barack Obama: 34.95%
Senator John Edwards: 31.24%
Senator Hillary Clinton: 31.02%
Governor Bill Richardson: 1.68%
Senator Joe Biden: 0.97%
Uncommitted: 0.10%
Senator Chris Dodd : 0.03%
Precincts Reporting: 1173 of 1781

UPDATE 7:10 PM: More than half the precincts in. Talk about a tight race! If this keeps up I doubt that Richardson will be "viable" in many precincts, which means he can urge his supporters to Obama (or whoever) and be a sort of kingmaker....

Senator Barack Obama: 34.06%
Senator John Edwards: 31.71%
Senator Hillary Clinton: 31.45%
Governor Bill Richardson: 1.76%
Senator Joe Biden: 0.94%
Senator Chris Dodd: 0.05%
Uncommitted: 0.03%
Precincts Reporting: 923 of 1781

UPDATE 7:00 PM: Wow, these results are coming in quickly. Must be mostly small, rural precincts. Reports that turnout is high.

Senator Barack Obama: 33.20%
Senator John Edwards: 32.09%
Senator Hillary Clinton: 31.77%
Governor Bill Richardson: 1.79%
Senator Joe Biden: 1.02%
Senator Chris Dodd: 0.07%
Uncommitted: 0.05%
Precincts Reporting: 630 of 1781

Huckabee Projected Repub Winner
CNN (and now MSNBC) has projected Huckabee to be the winner on the Repub side! There's no wheeling and dealing at Repub caucuses - one person one vote:

Huckabee 7,809 35%
Romney 5,355 24% 0
Thompson 3,178 14% 0
McCain 2,638 12% 0
Paul 2,425 11% 0
Giuliani 830 4% 0
Hunter 72 0% 0
25% of precincts in

6:30 PM MST: For some reason, the Iowa Dem Party already has some results up:

Senator John Edwards: 36.37%
Senator Hillary Clinton: 31.56%
Senator Barack Obama: 28.02%
Governor Bill Richardson: 1.97%
Senator Joe Biden: 1.09%
Senator Chris Dodd: 0.57%
Uncommitted: 0.42%
Precincts Reporting: 64 of 1781

(Percentages are State Delegate Equivalents.)

What do they mean? Not a whole helluva lot at this point, but it's a start ....

January 3, 2008 at 06:29 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink


Hey, Barb--just saw Howard on tv--he looks different. Is he much thinner? Ill? Exhausted? Congrats on your recent tv appearance, BTW. We are in FL watching the Iowa returns.

Posted by: | Jan 3, 2008 8:00:48 PM

Hey Foodies! How are you? Haven't seen Dean on TV of late. Stuck on the computer too much. I bet this is bringing up memories for Tom of being in Iowa last time, working for Dean. I remember we had a Deaniac party at our house and it became a terribly down night....

Posted by: | Jan 3, 2008 8:08:39 PM

The best line of the night came from Andrea Mitchell at Clinton's rally. "This is a manufactured crowd, these people weren't here half-an-hour ago."

Posted by: | Jan 3, 2008 8:36:02 PM

Ha ha Ben that's perfect.

Youth, change, turning the page, a candidate who bridges many gaps and borders. Go Obama. And I say that as an aging baby boomer.

Posted by: Boomer | Jan 3, 2008 8:48:20 PM

In St Pete, Fl, we were glued from 7 pm on to Iowa--in tears when O said--a father from Kenya, a mother from Kansas, that is only possible in the United States of America. My Repub Bro called this morning, said he was "moved" by the O speech, said Huckabee gave him the creeps---he laughed and said "Oh what the hell--maybe I'll vote for Obama even though he's not my politics."
The commentators on MSNBC, the old pros, were almost babbling in excitement--Fineman from Newsweek, Chris Matthews---O has the same effect as JFK???
Immediately, I was concerned for his safety.....

Hill gave a good speech for a while, then went into her drone of the same old thing----O does not do that--he has a tone that is perfect---a sense of timing, of the moment--Hill can never compete with that, never. And toothy Bill glued to her side.Many of us do not want him in The White House again--on this, I agree with my Bro.

I am optimistic enough to think that American voters can sniff out snakeoil --and anyone could see last night that O was the real deal.
YAYAYAY--we are thrilled...---and also we feel that our time, $$ and efforts for Howard Dean got this all started. Dean challenged the system. He failed in Iowa because his people did not work out all the nitty gritty details of how things worked--Kerry came in with a machine and mopped up.

But then Howard became head of the DNC, went on to devise the 50 state, grassroots strategy that elected Obama to the Senate and gave the Dems the majority, ( not that they have done squat..)
BUT--there is a direct link from Dean to Obama--he was singled out as a rising star and was promoted on the Dean website Democracy for America--Dean people from all over the US began supporting new candidates, not just those from their states, and now we see the surge of this guy.
Just remarkable.

Posted by: | Jan 4, 2008 8:45:24 AM

I watched Democracy Now with Amy Goodman yesterday. Obama's team of advisers on foreign policy are truly a scary warmongering lot.
I suggest you guys stop being so charmed by personality and look into the substance of where these guys stand on the issues, and how/who is financing their campaigns.
Don't get so caught up in the horse race. Try to engage your brains.
I suggest that you click on Micheal Moore's article above and read what he has to say about the three front-runners.

Posted by: qofdisks | Jan 4, 2008 11:36:44 AM

Just because someone has the advisors who are available doesn't mean they will follow their advice. I think Obama is a new kind of candidate and he will deal with issues in a very different way if he becomes president.

Why should we believe Edwards? His voting record was hardly progressive. He was a consponsor and big booster of the Patriot Act for instance, and a strong supporter of the war not just a luke warm one.

Obama represents a torch passing to a new generation just as Kennedy did. I think he's going to win big.

Posted by: Old Dem | Jan 4, 2008 11:50:18 AM

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