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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ted Kennedy Coming to NM to Stump for Obama?

According to the Boston Globe:

Kennedy plans to campaign actively for Obama, an aide said, and will focus particularly among Hispanics and labor union members, who are important voting blocks in several Feb. 5 states, including California, New York, New Jersey, Arizona and New Mexico.

January 27, 2008 at 03:51 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink


Even if Kennedy comes here, he's still coming on behalf of Obama.

Endorsement shows they say and do anything for politics. Now all of the sudden Kennedy doesn't care that Obama doesn't offer a Universal Health Care. Now Kennedy doesn't care that Obama didn't support the June 2006 Feingold/Kerry Bill to end our occupation in Iraq.

I guess he doesn't care that Obama didn't support the Interest rate Cap for on that Bankruptcy Amendment. Obama thinks they should charge people what ever they want.

And obviously it doesn't matter that Obama supported Nuclear Plants and twice pushed that Liquified Coal Bill that would have added so much CO2 to the air and increased Global Warming at a much faster rate.

Bobby Kennedy Jr. does. That's why he endorsed Hillary Clinton.

Posted by: Blue | Jan 29, 2008 3:39:41 PM

Your claims are misleading at best. You are totally mistaken on Obama's vote on bankruptcy for instance. There are many reasons to vote or not vote for a complex bill.

Obama didn't support invading Iraq. Clinton and Edwards did.

Clinton voted for a bill to change the constitution to ban flag burning. She loves to appeal to the worst in the right wing.

Pres. Bill Clinton (and I guess Hillary because she is claiming she has those years in the White House as "experience") totally betrayed GLBT people after taking many donations and volunteer hours. He made many promises to the GLBT community and didn't keep one. He signed Don't Ask Don't Tell and even the awful Defense of Marriage Act.

Bill also signed a terrible Telecommunications Act that that gave away the media to big corporations and don't forget NAFTA.

I'm not a one-issue voter. I vote for the candidate who has the best overall record and vision. None of them are perfect but Obama is the best by far on most issues and has extraordinary talents for leadership, something Hillary lacks. She can't win with all her baggage and the hatred she draws.

Posted by: | Jan 29, 2008 11:50:49 PM

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