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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Steve Pearce Would Deny Health Care to Children Like This

And he wants to be New Mexico's next Senator? Tell him what you think about his refusal to vote for SCHIP. All the other members of New Mexico's Congressional delegation -- both Repubs and Dems -- support SCHIP. Clearly, the views of Rep. Steve Pearce (NM-02) put him well out of the mainstream in New Mexico and nationally. Only 15 or so Repub votes in the U.S. House stand in the way of an override of Bush's veto of SCHIP legislation. Pearce's is one of them.

October 17, 2007 at 11:06 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Healthcare | Permalink | Comments (3)

Vamps and Vampire Fundraiser in ABQ for Bill McCamley Campaign

The Spirits are Restless
Awaiting Their Fate
on All Hallows Eve
The Haunted Compound Estate
Click here
5733 Guadalupe Trail NW, ABQ NM 87107

Join Us for Fun and Eerie Delight at 7PM on
Saturday Night
October 27th, 2007
Click for
FLYER (doc)

Your Hosts ON THIS Goulish Night of Fear:
Jennifer Conn, Cris Catechis & Chris Garcia
If You Dare --  Invite You to
A Vamps and Vampire Fundraiser for
Bill McCamley
Candidate for US Congress 2008 in NM-02.
Click here

www.billmccamley.com   www.youtube.com/watchbill

*Invited guest are encouraged to dress in costume attire. Suggested Contribution: $25.00 to $2,300 PLUS a canned food donation.

All contributions must be drawn on a personal account; corporate contributions are prohibited by federal law. Individuals can contribute up to $2,300 in the primary election and $2,300 to the general election for a total of $4,600 per person. Donations are not tax deductible for income tax purposes. Federal law requires us to make our best efforts to collect the name, address and employer of all contributors who donate more than $200 in one election cycle.

Editor's Note: Bill McCamley just posted his first diary on Daily Kos. You can find it here. Also, if you'd like to donate to McCamley's campaign right now, visit this page on Act Blue.

October 17, 2007 at 06:30 AM in NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink | Comments (3)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Gov. Richardson Urges Pearce to Vote for SCHIP Override

Today Gov. Bill Richardson sent a letter to Rep. Steve Pearce (NM-02) urging him to vote to override Bush's veto and reauthorize the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). He noted the bipartisan nature of the legislation. SCHIP now covers 8,700 children in New Mexico and an additional 11,000 get some SCHIP funding. Pearce, who has announced he'll run for the U.S. Senate in New Mexico, is the only member of the state's Congressional delegation to vote against the reauthorization of SCHIP.

In a statement, Gov. Richardson said, "Reauthorizing the children's health care program is vital for assuring the health of tens of thousands of low-income children in New Mexico, and an opportunity to expand health care for thousands more," stated Governor Richardson. "Of the estimated 94,000 children uninsured in New Mexico, nearly 50,000 qualify for either the Medicaid or SCHIP programs. I urge you to join the rest New Mexico's delegation, and do what is right for the people of our state, and vote to override the President's veto of the children's health care reauthorization legislation."

In September, Gov. Richardson and 29 other Governors urged Bush to sign the SCHIP reauthorization. The State of New Mexico will also file an 'amicus curiae' or friend of the court brief in support of New York's lawsuit to protect the flexibility states in the State Children's Health Insurance Program.

Text of the letter:

October 15, 2007

The Honorable Steve Pearce
U.S. House of Representatives
1607 Longworth HOB
Washington DC, 20515

Dear Congressman Pearce:

As you are aware, Congress has a very important vote coming up this week that will determine the future of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).  SCHIP is a vital program for New Mexico's children as it currently covers 8,700 children with an additional 11,000 children benefiting with some SCHIP funding.

I am writing to urge you to vote to override the President's veto of this bipartisan legislation, which Senators Bingaman and Domenici, as well as Representatives Udall and Wilson voted to support.   The SCHIP reauthorization legislation will benefit New Mexico's hard working families who currently lack the health insurance coverage they need to be successful in life.

There are some misconceptions about the SCHIP funding in New Mexico, such as who it covers and how the funding is allowed to be used to cover both children and adults.  I would like to provide you with the facts of the SCHIP program in New Mexico in order for you to have the best information prior to this important vote.

SCHIP in New Mexico covers children between the income levels of 185 percent and 235 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), or up to $40,356 annual income for a family of three.  There are approximately 8,700 children currently in this category.

New Mexico expanded Medicaid coverage for children up to 185 percent of FPL prior to the implementation of SCHIP in 1997, and as such we were prevented from using SCHIP funds for those kids below 185 percent of FPL.

Because of those limitations, New Mexico began to accumulate unspent SCHIP funds.  Legislation introduced by Senator Bingaman helped New Mexico and other states in our situation that were being penalized from using SCHIP funds for lower-income children.  This legislation allows New Mexico to use some SCHIP funds for approximately 11,000 children whose family income is 150 percent of FPL, or about $25,764 for a family of three.

The reauthorization legislation that President Bush vetoed would allow New Mexico to use SCHIP funds for an additional 11,000 children whose family income is 133 percent of FPL or about $22,848 for a family of three.

New Mexico received a waiver from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that allows the state to use the unspent SCHIP funds to cover working uninsured adults ages 19-64 through the State Coverage Insurance Program (SCI).  This public/private partnership operated by New Mexico managed care organizations covers adults up to 200 percent of the Federal Poverty level for approximately 10,000 people.  SCI is an employer-based program where the employer pays a $75 monthly premium per employee, the employee pays up to $35 per month depending on income, and the state and federal government pays the remainder.

In our state the SCHIP program invests $140.0 million ($124.2 million of federal funds) to assure the health of our children, and through the CMS federal waiver our state spends a fraction of those funds, $33.9 million ($27.2 million of federal funds), on working adults. 

The SCHIP reauthorization legislation vetoed by President Bush would allow our state to offer health coverage to the thousands of low-income children who are currently uninsured.  At the same time, the SCHIP reauthorization legislation vetoed by President Bush phases out the use of SCHIP funds for adults, eliminating health care coverage for approximately 10,000 people.

The reauthorization of the current SCHIP program is vital for assuring the health of tens of thousands of low-income children in New Mexico, and an opportunity to expand health care for thousands more.  Of the estimated 94,000 children uninsured in New Mexico, nearly 50,000 qualify for either the Medicaid or SCHIP programs. 

I urge you to join the rest of New Mexico's delegation in doing what is right for the people of our state, and vote to override the President's veto of the SCHIP reauthorization legislation.


Bill Richardson
State of New Mexico

October 16, 2007 at 04:48 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Healthcare | Permalink | Comments (0)

(Updated) Pearce Is In for U.S. Senate

UPDATE 4:53 PM. Brian S. Colón, Chairman of the Democratic Party of New Mexico, released this statement about Pearce's decision to run for U.S. Senate:

"Steve Pearce has a consistent record of failing the people of New Mexico. In the real world, when folks fail miserably at their jobs like Steve Pearce has, they get fired - not promoted," Colón said. "Steve Pearce is in a state of denial to believe that his record of failure would lead the people of New Mexico to consider giving him a promotion.

In Congress, Pearce has been one of the most steadfast supporters of George Bush and Dick Cheney. Pearce supported Bush's mismanaged Iraq policies at every turn and consistently voted to support Bush's fiscally reckless management of the budget that turned record surpluses into record deficits. He was also the only member of the New Mexico Congressional delegation to heartlessly oppose expanding the State Children's Health Insurance Program to cover an additional 27,900 uninsured New Mexican kids. Steve Pearce's priorities are clear -- what he values is loyalty to a failed president over the priorities of the families of New Mexico."

Pearce1Says the Albuquerque Journal's Michael Coleman:

Rep. Steve Pearce will announce tomorrow that he will seek ...

... the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Pete Domenici, the Albuquerque Journal just learned. Pearce, a three-term New Mexico Republican, will send an email to "friends and supporters" tomorrow declaring his intention to run. A person familiar with Pearce's plans said the congressman wants to notify supporters informally before officially declaring his campaign sometime in the coming weeks.

"There are a number of pieces that still need to be put in place - a website, a campaign team, etc.," before a formal announcement is made, the person said, adding that Pearce is not ready to field media questions until possibly Thursday.

Rep. Pearce (NM-02) reportedly raised $255,000 during the third quarter of 2007 for his Congressional race, and had $582,000 on hand at the end of September. All of that can be transferred to his Senate campaign.

Rep. Heather Wilson, also in the Senate race on the Repub side, announced she raised $247,000 in the third quarter for her Congressional race in NM-01, which can also be transferred to her Senate campaign. She's raised a total of $988,000 this year, and $756,000 remained as cash on hand at the end of September.

As a post on New Mexico FBIHOP reports, the Repub House leadership has been pressuring Pearce to stay in his Congressional seat in NM-02. I guess it didn't work. Now Wilson and Pearce will have to enter into what could be a very brutal primary given the festering split in New Mexico's GOP between Repubs who try to position themselves as "moderates" and those who are true blue rightwingers and gung ho Bushies, like Pearce.

Dem Bill McCamley, who is running for Congress in NM-02, must be smiling now that Pearce is out of the way. McCamley has reportedly raised $66,000 this quarter and had $186,000 in the bank when September ended. Of course things could get more complicated quickly if other Dems decide to enter the race now that Pearce will run for Senate. Currently, McCamley's only official primary competitor is Al Kissling, who is running his campaign on a shoestring. Just today, however, Lea County Commissioner Harry Teague, a conservative Democrat, said he'll be entering the race soon.

Meanwhile, both Mayor Marty Chavez and Don Wiviott have reportedly been in Washington this week looking for help and trying to convince Dem poobahs of their campaign-worthiness for their Senate runs.

To read our previous coverage of the U.S. Senate race in New Mexico, visit our archive.

October 16, 2007 at 12:53 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink | Comments (13)

Tonight: Free Screening of 'Wolf: An Ancient Spirit Returns'

Wolf1From Defenders of Wildlife:
Called “breathtaking in scope and execution” by the Los Angeles Times, "Wolf: An Ancient Spirit Returns" documents the return of the gray wolf to Yellowstone, and delves into the misconceptions and controversies surrounding this long misunderstood species, as well as the scientific and cultural reasons why wolves belong back in the wild. The documentary has won five Emmys and Best of Category at the EarthVision Environmental Film Festival and Hazel Wolf Environmental Film Festival.

Defenders of Wildlife is showing the film tonight as part of the nationally celebrated Wolf Awareness Week, which occurs from October 14 - 20 this year. The screening will be followed by a discussion of the Southwest’s own wolf, the Lobo, with Dave Parsons, former lead biologist for the Mexican wolf recovery program. This will be a unique opportunity to interact with and ask questions of an expert on the Mexican wolf and the recovery program:

  • WHAT: Free Screening of “Wolf: An Ancient Spirit Returns” followed by a discussion of the Mexican wolf recovery program
  • WHEN: Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 7:00– 9:30 PM  (film is 45 minutes long)
  • WHERE: The Lobo Theater, 3016 Central NE, next to Buffalo Exchange, Albuquerque

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson issued a proclamation yesterday designating this Wolf Awareness Week in New Mexico. He is truly a leader for recovery of the Lobo.

Lisa Hummon
New Mexico Outreach Representative
824 Gold SW Albuquerque, NM 87108
Tel: (505) 248-0118 x5     |    Fax: (505) 248-0187
lhummon@defenders.org  |  www.defenders.org

Editor's Note: Wolf Awareness Week will also feature festivities on Wednesday, October 17, 2007, at the University of New Mexico. These will be held outside the Student Union Building at UNM from 9 AM to 3 PM and will include the appearance of a live wolf. The UNM bookstore is also offering a special issue "Save the Lobo" T-shirt. More info here.

October 16, 2007 at 09:40 AM in Environment, Film | Permalink | Comments (0)

2007 NM Bioneers Conference Oct. 19-21 in Santa Fe

The 2007 New Mexico Bioneers Conference will be held next weekend in Santa Fe, October 19-21 at College of Santa Fe. It will include a live satellite downlink of plenary speakers at the national Bioneers Conference in California with more than 30 exciting workshops, discussions and hand-ons opportunites by local organizers. The solutions-oriented conference will bring together more than 600 people each day to inspire and educate each other about our local and regional environmental and social justice issues. For more information and to register for the conference, go to the website or call 505-428-1227 in Santa Fe.

October 16, 2007 at 09:03 AM in Environment | Permalink | Comments (0)

Important Legislative Meetings This Week on Health Care Reform

From the Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign:
The Interim Legislative Health and Human Services Committee is scheduled to meet in Española and Santa Fe this week and in Las Cruces the following week.

The Health and Human Services Committee will be discussing the recommendations of the Health Coverage for New Mexicans Committee (the committee that commissioned the Mathematica study). The Health Coverage committee did not recommend implementing any of the three models studied, and its recommendations preserve the private insurance system. If you would like a copy of the Health Coverage committee's recommendations, please contact Josette (see below).

Wednesday, October 17, 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Conference Room, Northern New Mexico Community College
--Public comment at 1:30 PM

Santa Fe
Thursday, October 18, 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Friday, October 19, 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Room 321, State Capitol
--Public comment on Thursday at 1:30 PM and 2:30 PM
--Public comment on Friday at 9:45 AM and 1:00 PM

Public comment is arranged around various topics during these three days. Please take a look at the agenda for these meetings.

Las Cruces
Monday, October 22
We do not have any further details on the Las Cruces meeting at this time. We will pass them along as soon as they are available.

It is really critical that those of you in the Española, Santa Fe, and Las Cruces areas attend these meetings and share your support of the Health Security Act with the committee!

Share Your Support of the Health Security Act with Your Community
Public forums on health care continue to be held around the state. The forums include a presentation on the results of the Mathematica study and allow time for public comment on the models studied and the direction of health care reform in New Mexico. The forums are sponsored by Health Care for All, with other organizations. (Please note that Health Care for All does not support the Health Security Act or either of the other two models studied.)

Wednesday, October 24, 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM
CAPPED, Inc., 907 New York Ave.

If you live in the Alamogordo area, please plan to attend this forum and speak up in support of the Health Security Act. This is a great way to educate your community about the Health Security Act!

If you have any questions, contact Josette at 505-771-8763 or jhaddad@cableone.net.

October 16, 2007 at 08:45 AM in Healthcare, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, October 15, 2007

U.S. Senate Candidate Don Wiviott Raises $130,000 in 3Q

Wiviottsm_2It's not official yet, but the Don Wiviott for U.S. Senate campaign is saying they raised more than $130,000 in the third quarter of this year -- not bad for a political newcomer. Wiviott didn't seriously begin raising funds until just after Labor Day so that makes the figure even more impressive.

Overall, the campaign has raised $535,000 since the end of the second quarter when Wiviott announced his entry into the race. Of that, $400,000 was provided by Wiviott himself, to kick start the campaign. The campaign reportedly ended the third quarter with more than $371,000 in the bank, having spent about $160,000 to set up a campaign office, hire campaign staff and pay for other startup expenses. Wiviott is in DC today meeting with Dem politicos along with his campaign manager, Caroline Buerkle, who ran former Attorney General Patricia Madrid's NM-01 Congressional campaign in 2006.

Wiviott for Senate has raised a total of $61,414 to date via Act Blue, the online Dem fundraising tool, including about $844 via the Beat Back New Mexico Act Blue page organized by this blog and .

Don Wiviott has stated he's willing to commit up to $2.1 million on the Dem primary race, including campaign contributions and his own money. He's very determined to run a strong race and is very passionate about the need for real change in Washington -- and some fresh ideas from outside the business as usual crowd. I agree.

Also announced as running for the Senate seat currently held by retiring Sen. Pete Domenici on the Dem side are Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chavez, who entered the race last week, and Santa Feans Jim Hannan and Leland Lehrman. On the Repub side, there's current NM-01 Rep. Heather Wilson, who announced her candidacy the day after Domenici announced his retirement. NM-02 Rep. Steve Pearce has formed a committee to explore the possibility and State Land Commissioner Pat Lyons, who is said to be considering a run.

To see our previous posts on the U.S. Senate Race in New Mexico, visit our archive.

October 15, 2007 at 06:04 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tonight on Espejos: The UNM Mexican Flag Incident

Check out KUNM 89.9FM tonight, Monday, October 15th, 2007, at 8:00 PM for a half-hour live interview with several UNM students about the recent weeks of deliberation, both on campus and nationally, following the tearing down of a Mexican flag on the UNM campus one month ago. Reportedly, a student tore down the Mexican flag, which was flying in celebration of Mexican Independence day, because it wasn't accompanied by an American flag. Last Sunday, local bikers held a rally to raise money for that student's legal defense fund.

Concurrently, subsequent discussions have surfaced deeper questions about acts of hatred and Anglo-American superiority over people of color. Many students on campus are demanding further action from the University to address and prevent such actions of hate and to talk about the diguising of racism as patriotism. Tonight's Espejos de Aztlan discussion will focus on the latter.

Also, KUNM is hosting its Fall 2007 Membership Drive this week (Oct. 13-19, 2007). Espejos de Aztlan, just like many other programs on KUNM 89.9FM, is able to conduct programming on news, culture and music (particularly that which can only be found on KUNM and not highlighted by mainstream media)-- but the station is only able to do so through the financial support of listeners like yourself. More than 50% of KUNM's annual operating funds come from listener contributions.

Please consider calling during tonight's Raices Collective Show, anytime between 7:00 PM and 10:00 PM to make a donation and become a member of KUNM 89.9FM. Contributors can have their names read on the air and for a minimum contribution of $20.00, contributors will receive "Zounds!," KUNM 89.9FM's monthly program guide. For more information on the Fall 2007 Membership Drive, please visit .

Espejos de Aztlan has been on-air since 1979 and is part of the Raices Colectiva which conducts programming on news, culture and music from a Latino perspective on KUNM 89.9. For more information or to submit input about Espejos de Aztlan, please visit the "Raices" link at .

October 15, 2007 at 05:28 PM in Immigration, Media, Minority Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

New Gore Videos: Is He Running?

Yesterday, Al Gore added three short, campaign style videos to Current.com, the online website of the cable TV channel he helped found. As far as I can tell, he's never done this before. What does it signal? Watch them and then you tell me:

October 15, 2007 at 03:03 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Civil Liberties, Healthcare, Iraq War, Media | Permalink | Comments (5)