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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Register Now: GI Rights and Veteran Support Training for New Mexicans

From Maria Santelli: Saturday, September 22, 1-5 PM: GI Rights and Veteran Support Training for New Mexicans! Four and a half years into the war and occupation of Iraq, New Mexico is home to 24,000 Iraq Veterans and tens of thousands of active duty service members -- many of whom have been left behind by the US Government and want to work through their trauma by working for peace. (Remember the importance of GI resistance in ending the Vietnam War.) Let's strengthen our local support network and link New Mexico into the national GI Hotline so we can serve our local community directly and effectively. 

This can be intense but critically important work, so we are asking you to please register by calling Maria at 247-9694, by Wednesday, September 19. Extended two-day training option if there is enough interest. (PLEASE CALL TO REGISTER AND FOR LOCATION).

August 30, 2007 at 08:31 AM in Iraq War, Military Affairs, Veterans | Permalink


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