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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Play Provides Satirical Look at Border Fence Issues


The Fence is a play by Johanna Siegmann that provides satirical insight about a variety issues surrounding a border fence between the U.S. and Mexico, illuminating the daily struggles of families whole members must cross the border in the course of their lives.

Friday and Saturday July 6 & 7: 8 PM; Sunday July 8: 2 PM
Albq. Journal Theatre, National Hispanic Cultural Center
$10, $15, $20 with $2 NHCC member discount
Show info: 505-724-4771; National Hispanic Cultural Center.

The Fence takes place on a small dirt road on the United States/Mexico border. When Gina, a hard-working mother and wife, tries to come home to Mexico after a long day's work in the U.S., she is faced with an enormous fence that has magically sprung up between the two countries. During her struggle to return home, the play presents us with a wide and often hilarious array of characters, all of whom are frustrated by this new development.

June 30, 2007 at 10:38 AM in Events, Immigration | Permalink


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