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Monday, February 05, 2007

Guest Blog: Urgent Aspartame Ban Action Alert

This is a guest blog by Stephen Fox of Santa Fe:
New Mexico Needs Your Immediate Help! New Mexico Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino’s Senate Bill 498, to ban Aspartame in New Mexico, may end up being scuttled this week in the Senate Public Affairs because of an ”analysis” by an Assistant Attorney General, Zach Shandler, which essentially throws in the towel and agrees with corporate theories of the FDA’s approval of aspartame preempting and preventing any state level legislative ban on Aspartame, in order to protect New Mexicans from, for example, Brain Tumors and Multiple Sclerosis resultant from ingesting Aspartame/Methanol/Formaldehyde and another brain tumor causing agent/metabolite of Aspartame: Diketopiperazine.

This cannot be the work of the Attorney General of New Mexico, Gary King, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry. He was asked to write a letter endorsing the two bills, one in each Chamber of the Legislature, which he may still be doing; that support letter may be still in the works, which at this writing is completely unclear.

After all, Gary helped write the bill back when he was the Attorney General candidate whom we endorsed so strongly in dozens of New Mexico publications, precisely because with his background in chemistry and his long history of Consumer advocacy as former chairman of the House of Representatives Consumer Affairs committee and as the legislator who wrote most of the administrative procedures for the New Mexico Board of Pharmacy back in the 1990’s, he could understand the medical and biochemical harm done by this artificial sweetener, which is metabolized as methanol and formaldehyde, and should never have been approved by the FDA in 1981, when its approval was forced through the FDA by then CEO of G.D. Searle, Donald Rumsfeld, for vast personal fiscal gain, as well as the obvious parallels between Aspartame corporate liabilities and the corporate liabilities at the heart of the $235 billion tobacco suits in the 1990’s.

States and even cities can and must protect themselves, and in fact do all the time in these jurisdictional realms. For example, New York City was not preempted by FDA approval of artificial trans-fats when its city council recently banned them. States have gotten rid of all kinds of things with prior federal approval by FDA or EPA other agencies: Asbestos, another fine example. The Vioxx suits in Texas were not preempted by FDA approval of Vioxx! There is no potential Balkanization of consumer statutes in the USA, or as Shandler alluded, no potential threat of suits by the FDA over jurisdictions herein.

I ask you to telephone Gary King, Attorney General of New Mexico, as soon as you can, starting Monday, to inquire whether Mr. Shandler’s minion’s opinions are the final word from the A.G. on this vital issue, or will King come through with a strong letter defending all states’ rights and states' obligations to protect the health of their citizens, especially when we have a corporate-manipulated United States Food and Drug Administration that will facilely rubber-stamp just about whatever ghastly new chemical additive industry asks it to approve!

There are hundreds of millions of lives at stake, because of the neurodegenerative afflictions attributed to Aspartame, even in the FDA compiled consumer complaint lists: Multiple Sclerosis, Lou Gerhig's disease, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, Brain tumors, etc.

Please also ask all of your friends, neighbors, associates, colleagues, and family to also call him, even if you are not a constituent from New Mexico. We are not at this point talking about suing 25 corporations: we just want to pass a long overdue bill that prohibits the sale of Aspartame in New Mexico.

If Attorney General King also capitulates to the corporate demands that New Mexico stop impugning Aspartame because of its proven neurotoxicity and cancer-causing 26 year record of killing people, our battle becomes an almost impossible uphill battle, which must be prevented by direct citizen intervention, communication, and correspondence to New Mexico Attorney General Gary King.

This is urgent, as the Senate Public Affairs Committee will decide this matter this week, and two Senators, Mary Kay Papen of Las Cruces and Dede Feldman of Albuquerque, would vote against this measure easily, just because of this pusillanimous “analysis” from Assistant New Mexico Attorney General Zach Shandler, really the last quarter from which we could have expected such a pathetically weak consumer protection stance, which we cannot allow to ruin or eviscerate the most important consumer protection legislation in the United States in 2007!

After you call, take the time to write it down and mail it or Xerox it or email it to Gary King on his website as Attorney General.

Thank you very much,
Stephen Fox

Contact Information for your calls Monday and later this coming week:

Attorney General Gary King
(505) 827-6000, Executive Assistant, Lisa Wood

NM State Senator Mary Kay Papen of Las Cruces
NM State Senator Dede Feldman of Albuquerque, Public Affairs Chair
(505) 986-4300

At the same number, you can also reach two Senators whose support is also absolutely vital, just not quite so urgently as the two above:

NM Senate, President Pro Tempore, Ben Altamirano of Silver City
Majority Leader, Michael Sanchez of Belen

After all of our medical articles and warning, two of these four Senators, and actually many others in both houses, still consume beverages with Aspartame, which is tragic, of course, but still "their business."

They should not, however, let their own consumer choices, govern their votes on efforts to protect the rest of the 1.8 million New Mexicans from the harm done by Aspartame/Methanol/Formaldehyde/Diketopiperazine. We can still ban it entirely, rather than use a fall back plan, to ask the Legislature to require every Aspartame product to have a cross and bones poison label on every product.

Click to read Stephen Fox's previous guest blog on this topic.

Editor's Note: This is a guest blog by Stephen Fox. Guest blogs are meant to permit readers to express their opinions on issues and the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of DFNM. If you'd like to submit a guest blog for consideration, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand corner of the main page.

February 5, 2007 at 08:36 AM in Guest Blogger, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


your science is all wrong. aspartame is good for you, you crank. regards, jim

Posted by: jbenka | Feb 5, 2007 9:15:12 AM

Don't heed jbenka's comment. He has long suffered delusions from by brain tumors caused by aspartame. He also has a thing for Rumsfeld.

Posted by: Another Crank | Feb 5, 2007 10:02:51 AM

From the information that I found while attending hearings at the New Mexico Environmental Health Department I believe that Aspartame is dangerous.

One thing to consider is that after being refused many times by the FDA it was finally accepted - Donald Rumsfeld was head of FDA at that time. To me that is enough proof that Aspartame is dangerous.

Terry Riley

Posted by: Terry Riley | Feb 5, 2007 10:16:17 AM


In legislative concerns and functions, it is rare that one person can, by
their informed vote, affect the entire course of Consumer Protection in New
Mexico, in the USA, and in many nations. That is about to occur in the New
Mexico Legislature with the bill to ban the neurotoxic and carcinogenic
artificial sweetener, Aspartame.

This is Senate Bill 498; it is on the Legislature website, and is an outright
straightforward ban, not about labeling, not about vending machines in the
schools, but a total ban of a chemical that should never have been approved
in the first place, but was rammed through the FDA approval process in 1981
by the CEO of G.D. Searle, who, because of his connections in the Reagan
White House, managed to get his own crony appointed as FDA Commissioner.

We seek to ban this chemical: if you have questions, just google the
physicians' names, Blaylock, Roberts, and the Report for Schools,
Pediatricians, and Obstetricians on Aspartame, or Member of UK Parliament's
Roger Williams Early Day Motion in January 2006 to ban it entirely in the UK,
signed by 46 members of Parliament.

Over the past year, Mary Jane Garcia, Vice Chair of Senate Public Affairs,
has come to the realization that this bill is correct, and that aspartame is
harmful for diabetics, the people that use it the most, since formaldehyde is
bad for everyone's pancreas, brain, nervous system, etc.

This New Mexico responsibility is all going to fall on Senator Mary Kay Papen
of Las Cruces, also a member of that committee. If she votes against it, it
is killed for 2007. If she votes for it, it proceeds to Corporations and
thence to the Senate Floor.

Some restauranteurs for reasons unclear to me oppose it, I suppose because
they don't want to disappoint customers asking for Diet cokes, Equal,
Sugarless gum and 6000 other products, and their lobbyist is Mary Kay Papen's
daughter. Some of them have bragged that they have killed the bill thereby,
but Papen made it clear to me today that she doesn't tell her daughter how to
vote and her daughter doesn't tell her how to vote.

I believe her. Having a clear and open mind is an absolute requirement for
all New Mexico legislators, regardless of which lobbyists say what, and there
are several from the Japanese manufacturer, Ajinomoto, the world's largest
manufacturer of Aspartame and another neurotoxic food additive, Monosodium

What Senator Papen does need is to hear from her constituents, which is
always the strongest factor to Democrats and to most Republicans, as to how
they want her to vote, for protecting public health in New Mexico from
further damage from a chemical adulterant which should never have been
approved in the first place, or for protecting multinational corporations
that make it, like Ajinomoto, or use it, like Coca Cola, Wrigley's, Pepsi,
7up, and hundreds of others.

There is so much at stake. If New Mexico moves ahead with this long overdue
bill, as a precaution if nothing else, since there is so much evidence about
the harm done by aspartame, it protects hundreds of thousands of New

This was much the same story with cyclamates, with Asbestos, PCB's, etc.
Even when they were killing people left and right, lobbyists still maintained
their products were harmless, until the lawsuits started building up and they
had to change their tune and remove the product voluntarily or by FDA order.

This is a large responsibility for Senator Papen, and I hope that she doesn't
mind the scrutiny of an entire Nation and even other Nations, because either
we will celebrate her good sense and earnest effort to protect Health, or we
will wonder what the truth of her vote to kill the bill was, if that is to be
the case.

All New Mexico Senators have had plenty of evidence thus far. Dr. Blaylock's
CD lecture, 48 page articles on how it causes abortions, cardiac arrhythmia,
Multiple Sclerosis, Brain tumors, the FDA list of 92 symptoms which they
stopped compiling in 1995-----the legislators in both Houses have heard it

I pray that Mary Kay Papen makes the right decision about banning Aspartame,
as Mary Jane Garcia has already decided to do so. Let Senator Papen know your

Truly, Thank you! Keep that award winning Legislature supplement going, and
keep reading labels on food products and asking questions about the chemistry

Stephen Fox
New Millennium Fine Art
217 W. Water St.
Santa Fe, NM 87501

505 983-2002
stephen@santafefineart.com you are welcome to publish my email, if any of
your readers has questions.

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