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Friday, February 16, 2007

Campaign Finance Reform Bill Passes NM House Judiciary

From the NM House Democratic Leadership:
On Tuesday the NM House Judiciary Committee passed House Bill 821a — Campaign Reporting Requirements — sponsored by Rep. Mimi Stewart (D-Albuquerque), with a party line vote of 9 to 3. The bill is part of the comprehensive ethics and campaign reform package that has been presented by House Democrats based on the recommendations of the Governor’s Task Force on Ethics Reform. 

Rep. Stewart said, “New Mexico is one of only five states that does not have any type of campaign contribution limits. This bill would move us out of that group and require that all statewide and legislative candidates abide by the same rules.”

HB 821a enacts four significant reforms that strengthen state campaign finance law. It places limits on campaign contributions that are consistent with and indexed to federal law. That limit is currently $2300 per donor, per candidate, per election. And it requires disclosure of every occupation and employer or business of a contributor of $100 or more.

The bill closes a loophole in current campaign reporting requirements in the category of “independent expenditure” for out-of-state political entities. Previously, out-of-state donor organizations had no reporting requirements at all. It also grants the subpoena power to the Secretary of State for investigations into possible violations of the Campaign Reporting Act.

“This bill represents a balanced approach to campaign financing that everyone can abide by. It limits the ability of extremely wealthy interests to underwrite campaigns,” said Stewart.

Matt Brix, Executive Director of New Mexico Common Cause, said, “These are reasonable limits that will allow more people to be involved in the electoral process. It beefs up reporting requirements so that citizens know where the money that influences New Mexico politics is coming from.”

Organizations supporting the bill included the Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce and the New Mexico Association of Commerce & Industry, a strong backer of business growth in the state.

Editor's Note: This bill had previously passed the House Voters and Elections Committee on a vote of 8-4, again with Republican members either voting against it or absent. Despite the constant drumbeat of Republicans about alleged corruption, they apparently prefer to let NM remain as one of only a handful of states without limits on campaign contributions.  Strange, isn't it?

The bill goes next to the House floor. Please contract your state representative to urge their support of this bill. You can get contact information here.

February 16, 2007 at 09:24 AM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink


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