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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Republicans Explain What Happened

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Of course New Mexico Democrats have some explaining to do ourselves. It's frustrating, to say the least, to witness the defeat of NM-01 congressional candidate Patricia Madrid despite the incredibly low poll numbers for Bush, the Republican Congress and the Iraq occupation. It's equally confusing to ponder the loss of long-time environmental champion Jim Baca in the land commissioner race to a guy who took almost a million dollars from big donors in the oil and gas industries. How could voters who overwhelmingly support land preservation, alternative energy and green ecological strategies help elect Pat Lyons, who is in-your-face opposed to these approaches? Inquiring minds want to know.

November 22, 2006 at 09:26 AM in Candidates & Races, Visuals | Permalink


I have noted in response to Jerry Ortiz Y Pino's column in the Alibi that American workers now work 200 hours more a year than 30 years ago - 5 weeks more of work! And that time has eaten away at the fabric of society - our health, our families, our communities,and our civic responsibility. There's little 'free' time left. It's hard to get 'boots on the ground' and to find canvassers. I canvassed 4 precincts beside my own. Where were the folks from those precincts? They're at work or exhausted at home. Person who are canvassing have better luck if they personally know the people they are canvassing. The kind of relations that are needed take a little more time than the couple of months before an election allow.

The US is now the hardest working country in the world according to the Economic Policy Institute. How can we get back some of that time that has been given over to work? I like the example of CUSA (Communities United to Stengthen America) who went door to door this fall to collect signatures on a petition requesting Congress roll back interest rates on student loans. We're conidering a petition in our neighborhood that is sure to receive lots of support; that's one way of opening doors and getting neighbors involved before the 2008 election cycle goes too far.

Posted by: pancheetah | Nov 22, 2006 10:54:07 AM

Whatever voters in NM-01 were thinking, they obviously couldn't see the bigger picture. The fact that NOT ONE Democratic incumbent in the House and Senate lost his/her seat, strongly suggests that the country is hungry for change, change from the direction we have been going the last six years. The change will take place more slowly without a Dem from NM,sadly, our Reps will not have an active part in it, I don't expect Wilson or Domenici to do much else but join the sour grapes and fight against the Democratic initiatives tooth and nail. I have a feeling that the real losers will be States like ours whose voters couldn't see the bigger picture. Madrid might not have been as polished as we would have liked, she may not have come across as a perfect candidate, but she genuinely had a shot at removing that wart (Wilson) that's been stuck on the State's backside for so long. I only hope in the long run we are lucky enough to find another candidate with a chance.

Posted by: VP | Nov 22, 2006 5:16:33 PM

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