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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween: Bush the Pumpkin Head
By the way, we hear that First Lady Laura Bush, mate of the Pumpkinhead, will be campaigning in Albuquerque (NM-01) for Heather Wilson this Friday.
Oh wait, she's really campaigning for the Repub Party, not for Wilson. Maybe that's because Wilson refused to answer Dem challenger Patricia Madrid's question to her at the last debate on whether Heather thinks George II is a good president. Secretive, isn't she? Yes, Wilson "ducked" the question several times!

Wilson has Laura Bush coming to NM to stump for her in a last ditch effort to hold onto her seat, yet can't seem to admit publicly whether she approves of George's reign or not. You'd think it would be a "no brainer," as Cheney characterized water boarding torture the other day, but in this race what's left unsaid is often as telling as the rightwing talking points that are repeated ad infinitum by Heather and the rest of the Bush team. Booooooooooo!
October 31, 2006 at 09:41 AM in Candidates & Races, Visuals | Permalink
Love the duckling. Think it is hilarious that Laura will be here for Heather. I guess Leather Heather will have to hide and pretend and lie again. She is so independent you know.
Posted by: save the nation | Oct 31, 2006 12:10:47 PM
With Wilson bringing in Laura Bush and pushing hard, it is more important than ever for every Democrat to get out there and work for a campaign or make calls for Moveon or do something active to help us get a big vote turnout. If we don't we may lose. Do you want that or do you want to get off the couch now and help us to a real victory?
I am so sick of seeing Heather's face aren't you? Let's get rid of her!
Posted by: Old Dem | Oct 31, 2006 1:40:33 PM