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Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Peace News

The Peace Buttons website is offering a weekly Peace History. Sample entries:


Feb 18, 1961 Bertrand Russell, 89, leads march of 20,000 and sit-down of 5,000 in an anti-nuke rally outside U.K. Defense Ministry and is jailed for 7 days.


Feb 19, 1942 Executive Order 9066, signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt which orders all Japanese Americans (Nisei) evacuated from the West Coast and be forced to live in concentration camps. This day is referred to as the "Day of Remembrance”. It has been commemorated every year, for 60+ years to remind us of that miscarriage of justice, and to insure such injustice does not happen again. In the entire course of the war, 10 people were convicted of spying for Japan, all of whom were Caucasian.

You can see more and sign up to receive Peace News via email each week by clicking here. Of course you can also buy a peace button. Here's the history of the button:

The first famous person to use the peace symbol was pacifist Bertrand Russell. His group used it during a protest march in 1958 for nuclear disarmament in Aldermaston, England. Activist Gerald Holtom, who designed the symbol based it on the international semaphore alphabet. This system uses flag signals in place of letters like a code. The peace sign is actually the flag signals for N and D superimposed upon each other and it stands for Nuclear Disarmament. It has since become the international symbol for peace.

(Thanks to John McAndrew for the heads up on this.)

February 23, 2005 at 07:13 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink


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