Monday, January 21, 2008

‘Freedom of Choice Act’ Rally Tuesday at Roundhouse

From NARAL Pro-Choice New Mexico:

More than 200 Expected at Roundhouse Event
on 35th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
Legislation Introduced Would Repeal
1969 Criminal Abortion Ban
Who: New Mexico Coalition for Choice
What: Rally in support of HB 244, The Freedom of Choice Act
Where: East Concourse, The Roundhouse (outside)
When: Noon, Tuesday, January 22, 2008

More than 200 pro-choice activists from around the state are expected to join the New Mexico Coalition for Choice at noon on Tuesday, January 22, for a rally commemorating the 35th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade and supporting HB 244, The Freedom of Choice Act, a bill introduced by Rep. Gail Chasey and Rep. Mimi Stewart to repeal an existing 1969 criminal abortion ban and to codify the protections of Roe in New Mexico law.

Speakers include the Rev. Stephen Furrer, Unitarian Universalist Congregation Santa Fe; Heather Brewer, executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice New Mexico; pro-choice legislators; and women telling their stories.

January 21, 2008 at 11:39 PM in Civil Liberties, Healthcare, NM Legislature 2008, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (1)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

RSVP Now: Free EMILY's List Candidate Training in ABQ

From EMILY's List: On February 13th and 14th, EMILY’s List will be offering a terrific training opportunity for pro-choice Democratic women in New Mexico and surrounding states. We would like to extend an invitation for you or someone you know to participate in the training.

As you may know, EMILY's List is a political donor network and political resource for pro-choice Democratic women candidates. EMILY's List has initiated a program designed to recruit and train women to run for and serve in elected office in the states. 

Whether currently serving on the school board, in the State Legislature, or just beginning to think about running for elective office, we are certain this training will provide women with the skills and inspiration needed to successfully run for office.

The program will take place in Albuquerque and begins on the evening of Wednesday, February 13th, with a welcome reception and short session. Thursday, February 14th (8:30 AM to 5:00 PM) will be filled with training on campaign planning, fundraising, message development, voter contact, direct mail and other important campaign issues. 

The program, including materials and meals is free, however space is limited. Partial participation is not possible -- you must commit to attending the full program in order to be allocated a seat at the training.

If you or someone you know is interested in attending, please respond to this invitation as soon as possible by contacting Michelle Stephenson, Political Opportunity Program Assistant, at (202) 419-3073 or You will then get more information on the location and lodging information. 

We hope you or someone you know will be able to join us for this important training.  If you have previously attended an EMILY's List training please contact me prior to registration at or (608) 257-2235.

Tanya Bjork, Regional Director, EMILY's List

January 20, 2008 at 12:56 PM in Education, Events, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Dem Women: Apply Now for Candidate Training

From Emerge New Mexico:
Have you considered running for office? Do you know a fantastic woman who should run for office? Help her get the training and support she needs to run and win. Encourage her to Emerge! Emerge New Mexico seeks Democratic women with evidence of political leadership experience or meaningful workplace or community involvement to apply to its program.

The Emerge program provides seven Saturdays of training and networking over seven months. Training includes fundraising, public speaking, campaign strategy and planning, fieldwork, media skills and messaging, ethics in politics, labor and endorsements, and running an anti-racist and culturally competent campaign.

Applications and organizational information can be located and downloaded at Applications for the 2008 class are NOW being accepted— APPLICATION DEADLINE IS JANUARY 15, 2008!

Emerge's model is successful: over 60% of Emerge graduates nationally hold public office. In 2007-08 so far, another 15% of graduates are running for office. Emerge is proud that 46% of our graduates are women of color. Emerge New Mexico is part of Emerge America, with 7 state affiliates nationally.

JOIN US IN IDENTIFYING WOMEN TO HELP SHAPE THE FUTURE OF New Mexico. Please share this information with women you think may be interested in emerge!

For more information: please contact:
Anita at 505-899-0392
Emerge New Mexico
PO Box 27207
Albuquerque, NM 87125

December 19, 2007 at 01:58 PM in Candidates & Races, Minority Issues, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, December 07, 2007

Apply Now for Emily's List Candidate Training

From Emily's List:
On January 10th and 11th, EMILY's List will be offering a terrific training opportunity for pro-choice Democratic women in New Mexico and surrounding states. We would like to extend an invitation for you or someone you know to participate in the training.

As you may know, EMILY's List is a political donor network and political resource for pro-choice Democratic women candidates. EMILY's List has initiated a program designed to recruit and train women to run for and serve in elected office in the states. 

The program will take place in Albuquerque, New Mexico and begins on the evening of Thursday, January 10th with a welcome reception and short session. Friday, January 11th (8:30 AM to
5:00 PM) will be filled with training on campaign planning, fundraising, message development, voter contact, direct mail and other important campaign issues. 

The program, including materials and meals is free, however space is limited.  Partial participation is not possible -- you must commit to attending the full program in order to be allocated a seat at the training.

If you or someone you know is interested in attending, please respond to this invitation as soon as possible by contacting Michelle Stephenson, Political Opportunity Program Assistant, at (202) 419-3073 or  You will then get more information on the location and lodging information.

December 7, 2007 at 10:32 AM in Candidates & Races, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Dem Women of Bernalillo County Host Holiday Benefit for Joy Junction

From the DPBC E-News:
The Democratic Women of Bernalillo County invite you to join us for our Holiday Black Tie Affair Benefiting . The evening will include dinner, dancing, a silent auction and entertainment.  Come and have a dance with your favorite candidate!

Friday, December 14, 2007 -- 6:00 to 11:00 PM
$25/person - No Host Bar
Ladera Banquet Room -- 401 Ladera NW, Map
Silent Auction to Benefit “Joy Junction”

Tickets are going fast and remember, they must be purchased in advance -- no ticket sales at the door. You can send your payment by mail (check payable to DWBC) to: Margaret Garcia, Treasurer, 2528 Kelly Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM  87105, or you can contact a committee member listed below.

Bring a personal item gift for Joy Junction residents to place under our tree. Joy Junction has requested travel size toiletries or other items such as gloves, hats, scarves, socks etc.

(Vegetarian plate available upon advance request * Contact Margaret Garcia 877-1043)

Contact one of the following to buy your ticket: Margaret Garcia, 877-1043; Barbara Najera, 833-4028; Yvonne Abeyta, 883-1785; Marcella Duarte, 730-3669; Dorothy Holland, 235-7524; Jacqueline Pargas, 489-6866; Romaine Serna, 831-2196; Maxine Marks, 352-7139; Lorraine Aranda, 831-6529; or Michelle Garcia, 343-0405.

December 6, 2007 at 04:14 PM in Democratic Party, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Denish, Duran Named Top Woman Politicians by Emerge New Mexico

Lt. Governor Diane D. Denish and Española City Councilor Danielle Duran will be honored at an awards ceremony tonight for their contributions to New Mexico politics. The Democratic Woman Politician of the Year and Emerging Democratic Woman Leader awards are conferred by EmergeNewMexico, the state affiliate of the national organization that inspires, recruits and trains Democratic women to run for public office. New Mexico Supreme Court Justice Pamela Minzer will be honored posthumously.

Denish is the first woman in New Mexico to be elected lieutenant governor and is the former chair of the Democratic Party. Duran is the first woman elected to the Española City Council and is the International Trade Coordinator for the Economic Development Department of the State of New Mexico. Both women are native New Mexicans.

  • WHAT: EmergeNewMexico Dinner & Awards
  • WHO: Lt. Governor Diane D. Denish, Española City Councilor Danielle Duran, and the late Honorable Pamela Minzer, honorees
  • WHEN: Tuesday, December 4, 6-9 PM
  • WHERE: Anderson-Abruzzo International Balloon Museum, ABQ

Sponsors are Hon. Patricia Madrid, former attorney general; Marchiondo Law Offices, P.C.; and McGinn, Carpenter, Montoya & Love, P.C.; AFSCME Council 18; Christina P. Argyres; Anne Bingaman; Brownstein Hyatt Farber & Schreck, Karen & Stephen Durkovich; Harvey Law Firm; Julianna Koob & Stormy Ralstin; Ruth Kovnat; Patrick Sullivan & Pia Salazar; Sutin, Thayer & Browne; United Association of Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 412; and Vigil Law Firm.

EmergeNewMexico inspires, recruits and trains Democratic women to run for public office. The organization is dedicated to making a long-term investment in future women leaders by developing their political and media skills; expanding their knowledge of issues; and building their networks. For more information, the public can call 505-920-6002, email, or visit

Editor's Note: For more information on tonight's event, see our previous post.

December 4, 2007 at 12:16 PM in Events, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, November 23, 2007

Komen Community Challenge Coming to ABQ on November 28

Komencure From Susan G. Komen for the Cure:
Every woman diagnosed with breast cancer is someone’s sister, mother, best friend, or child. And until we find a cure that helps every one of them beat it, we need to keep looking. You get it. We get it. But how can we make it happen?

This year, more than 1,000 New Mexico women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, and not all of these women will have an equal chance at survival. What's more, this breast cancer diagnosis will be much deadlier for low-income and underinsured women, who are too often ethnic and racial minorities. We find this unacceptable, and we're doing something about it on Wednesday, November 28, from Noon to 2:00 PM at Salon Ortega at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque! RSVP today!

Breast cancer survivors and activists will be joined by Lt. Governor Diane Denish and State Senator Dede Feldman, along with health care professionals, community leaders and other decision makers to discuss disparities in breast cancer screening, treatment and survivorship and how we can partner to "Close the Gap". We intend to be a community without gaps - one where every woman will have access to early detection and quality care.

Join breast cancer survivors, advocates, community leaders, health care providers, researchers and legislative leaders at a forum on closing the health care gap. With the need so great and resources so limited, it promises to be an engaging and spirited discussion.

What: The New Mexico Komen Community Challenge - "Close the Gap!" Forum

When: Wednesday, November 28, 2007, Noon - 2:00 PM

Where: Salon Ortega, National Hispanic Cultural Center, 1701 4th St. SW, Albuquerque, NM

Who: Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, State Senator Dede Feldman, breast cancer survivors and families, health care officials, breast cancer experts – and you and your colleagues, friends and family!!

How: It’s easy! RSVP today! Or call 505-401-5974.

We’re on a mission to end breast cancer forever. Too many New Mexico families are being torn apart by this disease – and we will keep fighting until none of these women fall through the “gap” in detection and treatment. Thank you for helping us to turn this goal into reality.

November 23, 2007 at 11:39 AM in Healthcare, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

12.4.07: Emerge NM Woman of the Year Awards Dinner

Emerge New Mexico
Invites You to join us for the
Woman Politician of the Year Awards Dinner at the
Anderson-Abruzzo Albuquerque International Balloon Museum
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
6:00 - 7:00 PM VIP Reception
7:00 - 9:00 PM Dinner, Live Auction & Awards

To honor Women Leaders for A Democratic Future
Lt. Governor Diane Denish,
the life of Justice Pamela Minzner,
& an Emerging Woman Leader

Presidential Silver Sponsors
Bill Marchiondo
Legislative Turquoise Sponsors
Christina Argyres
Anne Bingaman
Karen & Stephen Durkovich
Koob & Ralstin
Ruth Kovnat
McGinn, Carpenter, Montoya & Love
Sutin, Thayer, and Browne
UNM Law Professors

Individual Tickets $100
Individual VIP Tickets $150
Sponsorships $1500 / $2500 / $5000

Please RSVP to or Julie at 505-920-6002. Please contact us to RSVP, to purchase tickets, or to sponsor the Dinner. Mailing Address: emerge New Mexico, PO Box 27207, Albuquerque, NM 87125

Emerge New Mexico inspires, recruits, and trains Democratic women to win elected office. Proceeds from this event will support emergeNM participants in 2008. Emerge New Mexico is a 501c(4) organization. Donations are not tax-deductible. The program application for our 2008 class is now available and can be downloaded . Completed pplications must be mailed to Emerge and postmarked no later than January 15, 2008.

November 15, 2007 at 09:40 AM in Local Politics, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Anne Kass on Peeling the Paint: Justice for All

Peeling_2This is a guest blog by political activist and retired Second Judicial District Judge Anne Kass of Albuquerque:

I had the opportunity to attend the swearing-in ceremony for Charles W. Daniels to the New Mexico Supreme Court Friday. It was a moving and inspiring ceremony. 

Justice Daniels told of being a share-cropper's son in Arkansas where, as a small child, he played with a black child names James. When it became time to start school, James went to the dilapidated schoolhouse down the road, while young Charlie Daniels was bussed miles away to a white-school. He was taught the Pledge of Allegiance and began to recognize the disconnection between the words “with liberty and justice for all” and the reality of his experience. He talked about his dedication to making the promise of “justice for all” a reality. His talk was truly moving. 

During his remarks Justice Daniels addressed the issue of equal rights for women. He mentioned that Fred Hart, who was Dean of the New Mexico School of Law when Justice Daniels was a student and professor there, opened the doors of the law school to women and minorities. (I made the same observations when I was a student at the UNM School of Law.) 

Justice Daniels said, after some years, when almost half the law school classes were comprised of women, "... the good 'ole boys discovered that the paint didn't peel off the walls when women appeared in the courtroom as lawyers or judges." While he continued his remarks, I found myself thinking -- That's right, the paint didn't peel off the walls, and THAT'S the problem. The paint should have peeled off the walls.

The paint of property law that allows for the private ownership of everything needs to be peeled off the walls of the halls of justice, starting with laws that allow for the private ownership of everything, including other human beings. Today, one manifestation of this notion is in the form of incarceration and deportation of undocumented workers only trying to survive while their exploitative employer-owners go unpunished.   

Property law also allows for private ownership of DNA genetic codes and private ownership of cures and treatments for terrible diseases. In many of these cases, the underlying research has been paid with public dollars. There are many layers of property-law-paint that need to be peeled off the walls.

The same holds true for many layers of criminal-law-paint which dictates grotesquely disproportionate imprisonment of people of color for drug offenses and which makes the penalties for shoplifting severe while providing no penalties at all for the looting of the national treasury by corporations such as Halliburton. 

Justice Daniels was correct. The “good ol’ boys” have learned they have nothing to fear from either women or minorities entering the law. They have simply co-opted them. Women and people of color have been allowed and even encouraged to join the ranks of lawyers and judges but only on the condition that they walk, talk, and look just like the “good ol’ boys” who wrote the rules and laws in the first place.   

Women and people of color have not changed the system. They have accommodated themselves to a very rigid system. They are the ones who have changed, become assimilated. And that's why, although a relatively small number of women and people of color have risen to positions of much prestige and power in the law, the status and circumstances of women and people of color, in general, remain virtually unchanged. 

If Justice Daniels has any hope at all to make good on his promise to make the national promise of “justice for all” a reality, the first thing he needs to do is peel paint -- lots of paint -- off the walls of the halls of justice. I enthusiastically support his intentions.

This is a guest blog by Anne Kass, who posts periodically on DFNM. Guest blogs provide our reader with an opportunity to express their opinions and may or may not represent our views. If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand side of the page.

November 12, 2007 at 01:48 PM in Blogging by Anne Kass, Civil Liberties, Corporatism, Current Affairs, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (4)

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Democratic Women of NM State Convention Set for 10.27.07

From Democratic Women of New Mexico: "Setting the Stage for the 2008 Convention": The National Federation of Democratic Women's Convention is coming to Albuquerque in 2008 -- planning begins NOW! Please join us in making this national opportunity a great success. This is our chance to show off our beautiful state and to launch the 2008 Presidential Election Season.

Saturday, October 27, 2007
and Breakfast 8:00 AM
Meeting Starts at 9:00 AM
Luncheon at 12:00 PM
Early Registration (Deadline: Thursday, October 25) - $30.00
Registration at Door - $50.00
Registration Fee Includes Luncheon
MCM Elegante Hotel, 2020 Menaul NE , Albuquerque, NM

Special Guests: DNC Secretary Alice Germond; New Mexico DNC Committee-Woman Mary Gail Gwaltney; Helen Kutchner, NFDW; DPNM Chairman Brian S. Colon. Presidential Campaign Representatives: Introduced by JoElla Redmon, Executive Director Martin Luther King, Jr. State Commission

Please call Kathy Duffy at 873-7213 or Maxine Velasquez at 831-2233 to make your reservation.

Paid for by the Democratic Party of New Mexico. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. To contribute, go here: .

October 20, 2007 at 10:56 AM in Democratic Party, Local Politics, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)