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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Vote Yes on ABQ GO Bond #10: Workforce Housing

Housing_2There are ten General Obligation Bonds on the ballot for the October 2, 2007 election. All the bond issues have strong support across the political spectrum but one is of special importance. If approved, General Obligation Bond #10 would provide $10.1 million to a trust fund over the next two years for the construction, rehabilitation and financing of high-quality housing for young families and the elderly as set forth in the Workforce Housing bill sponsored by Councilor Debbie O'Malley and passed by the City Council. Such funding would get a generous match from the private sector so it could be stretched even farther. With housing costs so high in Albuquerque and many salaries so low, public support for affordable housing for working families and seniors is essential if we want to preserve the special character of our city.

Learn more about GO Bond #10 at the Workforce Housing blog.

Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, the alibi and the Albuquerque Journal are among a long list of supporters of GO Bond #10:

For a more indepth analysis on the Workforce Housing Opportunity Act this bond will help fund, check out these videos:

To view the series of four videos in a larger format, go here.

September 27, 2007 at 07:00 PM in 2007 Albq. Municipal Elections, Economy, Populism | Permalink


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