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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Scot Key Guest Blog: Tonight's Obama Shindig Isn't Just About Lousy Parking

This is a guest blog by Scot Key, who writes at local blog Burque Babble.

  • Obama in Albuquerque: Gates open at 7 p.m. for Barack Obama's rally at the University of New Mexico's Johnson Field. Tickets are not required, but an online RSVP at www.NM.barackobama.com is "strongly encouraged" by the campaign. Comedian George Lopez and Gov. Bill Richardson will start things off.

  • Parking for the Obama rally tonight might be difficult, in part because of a symphony concert at nearby Popejoy Hall. UNM is urging Obama rally attendees to park in its T, M and Q lots or at University Stadium — though it is not offering shuttle service. The Obama campaign urged rally-goers to carpool or use public transportation.
    "McCain, Obama Focus on N.M.", Jeff Jones, Albuquerque Journal, 10/25/08

This certainly may be a case of faulty objectivity on my part, but given the wildly huge numbers forecasted for tonight's Obama shindig at UNM, don't you think the Journal is slightly underplaying this event? Outside of the above, and another brief mention of how much parking is going to suck for the blue hairs going to the Popejoy show tonight, that's it.

  • We're talking thousands and thousands of people, folks.
  • We're talking most probably at least two typical Lobo football crowds of folks engulfing the SE corner of the UNM campus.
  • We're talking George Lopez.
  • We're talking sizable numbers of folks milling up Central throughout Nob Hill.
  • We're talking about the outdoor seating at Kelly's being assimilated into the huge circle emanating from Johnson Field.
  • We're talking folks trying to decide whether to park at Marquette and Carlisle, or Silver and University.
  • We're talking about UNM parking lot Q, R and Z, and we have no idea what the Hell "parking lot Q" means.
  • We're talking Bill Richardson, even though nobody really cares about Bill Richardson at this point.
  • We're talking Saturday night at the cultural epicenter of our little town as the site of a combined Mardi Gras, Halloween carving party, political rally and mega-State Fair gone ballistic, people watching freak show.
  • And we're talking Obama, Barack Obama, who not only looks like the next President of the United States, but better bring his Franklin Delano Roosevelt A-Game from Day One starting January 20th or we're gonna be in even worse shape that the crazy bad condition our current condition is in.

We're talking about the Albuquerque version of a frickin' coronation here, and the above is all the Journal has to say about it?

Objectivity or no, tonight's show has to be about more than crappy parking.

P.S.: Hope to see some of you there (even me, anti-social dude, has about 457 different friends/acquaintances I'm scheduled to run into). Let's treat it as the first in a series of ecstatically happy Bush Administration, New Orleans Jazz Funeral shindigs. I'll bring the big bass drum, you bring an umbrella.

October 25, 2008 at 12:31 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events, Guest Blogger, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink


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