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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Bitter? Why Would Anybody Be Bitter?

Obama answers Hillary and McSame in Terre Haute IN

Have you been following the latest spin barrage being aimed at Obama by Team Clinton: The Dynasty, almost hand in hand with the GOP's assault? Oh, it was just so condescending of Barack to mention at a small fundraiser how folks in small town, Rust Belt and middle-class America might be feeling bitter about their lot in life. So bitter and cynical that they no longer believe the promises of politicos to bring them good-paying jobs, access to quality health care or level playing field justice.

So trampled in body and spirit that they turn insular and cling to their guns, religion, ethinicity or family -- or whatever else helps them feel more secure. And that this can make them vulnerable to the craven use of wedge issues by the right. And that they often end up voting against their own economic interests. Sound familiar? That analysis has been conventional wisdom for years but, to the Clintonista camp and its backers, the concept is suddenly scandalous and insulting. My, my.

What I like about Obama is that he -- unlike so many Dems -- doesn't run from gotcha spin that distorts what he says and what he believes in. Instead, he goes at the issue head on, confidently and clearly explaining how his words are being twisted, and why. Listen to what he says in the video above, to a crowd in Terre Haute, Indiana. Watch how they stand and cheer at the end. I call that connection. He doesn't cower. He clicks in. This is why he can win in November, with an electorate sick to death of the slick spinelessness that characterizes so many insider pols of all stripes.

Here's what Obama said:

“You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Clinton Campaign in Full Drudge Mode
The Clinton II campaign has seized on this, enlisted their big media buddies and instructed their operatives to spread the word that this statement shows that Obama is elitist, doesn't understand middle class Americans and would be a weak candidate. One quote:

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York has criticized the remarks with zeal, saying Mr. Obama is trying to divide the country between “those who are enlightened and those who are not.”

And how about :

... the Clinton campaign fueled the controversy in every place and every way it could, hoping charges that Obama is elitist and arrogant will resonate with the swing voters the candidates are vying for not only in Pennsylvania, but in upcoming primaries in Indiana and North Carolina as well.

... They handed out "I'm not bitter" stickers in North Carolina, and held a conference call of Pennsylvania mayors to denounce the Illinois senator. In Indiana, Clinton did the work herself, telling plant workers in Indianapolis that Obama's comments were "elitist and out of touch."

What Hillary and her cohorts are doing, once again, is using the kind of branding long used by Repubs against Dems -- and doing it against one of their own. We all know by now that Democrats are allegedly "elitist," and "out of touch" and "latte drinking Volvo drivers." You know the litany that's been used for years, uttered by right-wingers who really have been working for decades to create the present economic tragedy that's now building to a crescendo across America and the globe. We've all seen the deregulate everything, greed-market movement at work -- and how it's destroyed so much of the middle class while creating an investor class that's wealthy beyond belief, reason or merit.

I guess Hillary sees herself as one of them, using their favorite slurs to try and wring out votes and manage to stay in her unwinnable race by any means necessary -- no matter who or what she hurts in the process. Think about it. Isn't it "smart politics," from the Clinton point of view, to smear Obama and try to force him from the race? Or make sure he won't win in November? Why else would the messaging about this molehill coming from the Clinton camp be exactly the same as the messaging about it coming from the GOP and McCain?

As Jane Smiley puts it:

So now, Barack Obama tells the truth about conditions as we know them--that the countryside and the small towns are dying in many places in our country, and that the corporatocracy doesn't care enough to do a thing about it. He points out that immigrant-baiting, gay-baiting, gun-baiting, and religious pandering have helped to destroy those towns and that countryside, that those being destroyed have been cynically enlisted by their very own destroyers to provide the votes that help accomplish the destruction. And this is what Senator Hillary Clinton says about it: "Senator Obama's remarks were elitist and out of touch. They are not reflective of the values and beliefs of Americans."

The Masks Fall Away
I submit that the last remaining threads of the "for the people" and "for the Party" masks that Bill and Hillary have long used to cover their special brand of political expediency and corporatist zeal have finally fallen away. What is revealed is an ugly truth about their amoral and immoral ambition. Shame on them. I don't understand how any real Democrat can support them any longer.

PS: In need of some black humor hysterics after this dour post? Go read Hunter. I still haven't caught my breath after reading it ....

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April 12, 2008 at 06:33 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Economy, Populism | Permalink


OK, the orange satan has done it again. Hilarious.

I just finished some orange juice too. I am bitter, I forgot to mention.

Posted by: latte drinker volvo driver | Apr 12, 2008 8:00:33 PM

I swear on my mother's grave that if the Democrats with the power to do so don't force Hillary out of this race after this putrid GOP line of attack I will leave the Party. I have voted Democratic all my life. My whole family is Democrats. But I won't put up with this crap from the DLC corporation kissers any longer. If Hillary manages to destroy the best candidate we have had in my lifetime by using Republican attack points I will do everything I can to defeat her. I never thought I'd say that but this is way over the line. Get her out of the race people!

Posted by: L. R. | Apr 12, 2008 8:26:17 PM

I now agree with Samantha Power. Hillary IS a monster.

Posted by: zona | Apr 12, 2008 9:17:03 PM

Worst of it is that while the MSM talking heads are exploding and some of the sheeple are bleating over this nonsense, much worse and more important news is being ignored. We now know that "harsh interrogation" techniques were discussed and approved at the highest levels, in other words, WAR CRIMES, authorized and given the OK by the White House. Nothing being reported by the media, nothing being said by our esteemed Democratic Leadership, just unbelievable silence, makes one wonder just who is complicit, who is aiding and abetting.

Posted by: VP | Apr 13, 2008 7:58:42 AM

very very true VP.
clinton had an incredible admission from the whitehouse about torture just a dya before. And what does she bring up, this nonsense. I have seen nothing in the msm about torture planned and approved in detail in the whitehouse.
makes me want to pull my democratic registration.
this is really awful.

Posted by: Mary Ellen | Apr 13, 2008 8:43:40 AM

There is a good chance we will have to vote for Hillary. Vote you must because McCain is worse. Think about the Supreme Court appts.

Posted by: qofdisks | Apr 13, 2008 9:13:41 AM

If Obama wins the nomination, I will, for the first as a lifelong Democrat, ABSTAIN from voting for President. This man will not represent my best interests if he is elected President.

Posted by: Elaine DelValle | Apr 13, 2008 7:57:30 PM

McCain has this won. As a lifelong D and one who for either, Obama or Clinton, I may not vote for either.... OBama cannot win, and maybe now, Clinton can't either. But there is another attempt for Obama.... And I will only vote for him as a last resort.

Posted by: Press | Apr 13, 2008 8:24:32 PM

Elaine - I'm curious....In what way will Obama not represent your best interests?
Is it that he has not been under sniper fire?
Is it that he rolls gutter balls?
Is it that he isn't hanging out drinking shots & beers with the guys telling hunting stories?
Is it that he is not a political chameleon?
Is it that he will make such a fine representative of the American Dream?
Is it that he appeals to peoples' best motivations/
Is it that he has raised the political debate/
Is it that he sees and understands the need, concerns, and hopes of such a wide range of people?
Is it that he won't be appointing corporatist Supreme court Justices/
Is it that by supporting the OJ producers he won't be supporting the 'fair trade' coffee growers?

Posted by: PlacitasRoy | Apr 14, 2008 7:19:40 AM

There is NOT a good chance we will have to vote for Hillary. She CANNOT beat Obama in pledged delegates, number of contests won or total votes. A big majority of super delegates are moving to Obama. But what she can do is try to make Obama weaker. What a loyal Democrat!

The Clintons were never loyal Democrats though. They took all the power and money away from the Party and took it for themselves. Why have a Party when you can have Wall Street, big banks, big media and "free" traders give you big donations and you can bypass the people and the Party? Many of the problems we have today had their start under Clinton because of their DLC actions supporting big corporations, banks and media consolidation.

I won't vote for Hillary after how she had conducted her slimey campaign. Yes the Supreme Court nominations are at stake which is why the super delegates need to support Obama or much will be lost.

They need to support our best candidate and the one who has run his campaign as a positive and honest effort. Not the one who has used race baiting, lies, fake stories about hunting and being under sniper fire and who mocks the other using Republican rhetoric. They need to support Obama.

Posted by: Josie | Apr 14, 2008 8:14:20 AM

I hope that I can vote for Obama. Hillary is weakening the Democratic chance for power. She is attacking Obama using petty distracting tactics Carl Rove style. She is using divisiveness and trying to use fear to cause our party to implode.
In the mean time McCain stands back and watches the Dems cannibalize themselves. In the mean time, McCain looks presidential and dignified as the Dems damage themselves severely.
Hillary still thinks she has a shot at the nomination so it must be true. I think there is still a good chance we may have to vote for her.
Think about it. She has AIPAC and corporate backing from the health and finance industries. She is likely to perpetuate private contractors profiteering in Iraq. All bad but all powerful. These formidable forces will back McCain if Obama gets the nomination.

Regardless, The supreme court nominations will tip the scales for me and I WILL vote. I will vote Democratic. The Supreme court has swung so far to the right, we might as well have the Taliban making social law while favoring corporations above all else. The far right wing of the court has no regard for civil liberties at all. We have to have a Democrat make those next appointments. Yes, I trust Obama to have more courage to make the Supreme Court nominations that will favor civil liberties over corporate super-citizenship. Hillary would still be better than McCain.

Posted by: qofdisks | Apr 14, 2008 8:59:15 AM

Isn't it a McCain-Hillary ticket? Sure seems like it from the insults she keeps tossing Obama's way ...

Posted by: up Santa Fe way | Apr 14, 2008 9:31:36 AM

She's still playing the race card. Her latest attack is really labeling Barack "uppity" isn't it? The nerve.

Posted by: Old Dem | Apr 14, 2008 4:00:39 PM

Obama's lead nationally over Hillary holding at 10 points in the Gallup dailies

Latest Gallup Poll

Posted by: | Apr 14, 2008 4:17:54 PM

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