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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Video Available of Iraqi Voices Project

From Dal LaMagna, Iraqi Voices Project, Progressive Government Institute: Teamwork between visionaries, technologists, and Iraqi and American politicians may just give us the solutions we need to end the killing that is continuing in Iraq. A live video-conference with members of the Iraq Parliament and the U.S. House of Representatives was convened by Representative Jim McDermott with the help of Dal LaMagna and Raed Jarrar, both of the Progressive Government Institute.

The exchange between the members of Parliament and the Congressmen demonstrates the importance of thinking outside the box and listening to varied perspectives. Over the course of the conference, it became very apparent that there are solutions - concrete solutions that are likely acceptable to all sides - to ending the killing in Iraq. A half hour edit of the two hours of video is available online at the Progressive Government. A transcript of this edited video is also available from that same page or directly by clicking here.

March 24, 2007 at 08:41 AM in Film, Iraq War | Permalink


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