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Friday, December 16, 2005

TypePad Trauma

If you visited here earlier today you may have noticed that the site had reverted to December 9th. TypePad, the blogging service I use for this site, had a major breakdown that caused this and other problems with all the blogs that use it. In addition, the application software itself was down until just now, so I couldn't inform readers of what was happening.

Some glitches remain, mostly with photos and other items uploaded recently, but at least I can let you know what's been happening. I'm sure it's been a hectic, anxiety filled day at the TypePad offices. I feel for them. Ironically, it's made for an easier day for me because I didn't have to create any new posts.

TypePad has informed us that everything should be up to snuff by the end of this weekend. Until then, you'll probably notice some continuing oddities on the site.

December 16, 2005 at 04:42 PM in Web/Tech | Permalink


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