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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

McCain Tags Along on Bush ABQ Visit

From the Santa Fe New Mexican:

There's another showing Tuesday of the good-cop, bad-cop routine featuring President Bush and Sen. John McCain, Bush's one-time presidential rival who has become a big booster of the president's Social Security plan.

The Arizona Republican accompanied Bush on Monday to the senator's home state and Colorado to try to help sell the public and Congress on the president's proposal for a major Social Security overhaul.
[. . .]
It all went so well that McCain, perhaps enticed by a day riding around in the presidential limousine and aboard Air Force One, decided to accompany Bush to an event Tuesday in Albuquerque, White House press secretary Scott McClellan said. McCain had been scheduled to drop off Bush's itinerary after Monday's last stop in Denver.

The original reason for the Albuquerque stop was to give a boost to New Mexico Sen. Pete Domenici, chairman of the Senate Budget Committee that will have a hand in any Social Security changes.
One has to wonder what levels of independence, self-esteem and pride McCain has given how Bush and his minions spread inaccurate smears about McCain and his family during their primary battle before the 2000 election.

I guess a ride in the presidential limo is enough for an alleged "straight shooter" like McCain to forget about past indignities. I'm wondering how McCain would explain the wonderful benefits for younger workers that he's touting when the trilllions of dollars in debt the creation of private accounts would generate are taken into account. Oops, don't mention that! And I'm sure no-one will at the Albuquerque Bush rally or any other rally. After all, no Democrats allowed in the Republican elite clubhouse!

March 22, 2005 at 09:26 AM in Local Politics | Permalink


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