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Friday, October 29, 2004

Photo of the Day


Wow, look at that crowd of 80,000+ in Madison, Wisconsin yesterday for The Boss's rally with Kerry! Daily Kos has a diary about the event, with this and even more terrific photos of Bruce Springsteen, Kerry and the massive crowd. Bruce liked the rush so much, he's continuing on to Florida with Kerry.

You can read what Bruce had to say at the rallies about the choices we face in a poignant article by John Nichols in The Nation online. One quote:

"Paul Wellstone," the singer repeated, as the tension broke and the crowd began cheering. "He said the future is for the passionate and those who are willing to fight and work hard for it. Well, the future is now. And it's time to let your passions loose." Now, the applause was swelling. "Let's roll up our sleeves," Springsteen shouted above the roar of approval. "That's why I'm here today -- to stand alongside Senator Kerry and to tell you that the country we carry in our hearts is waiting, and together we can move America towards her deepest ideals.
We are gonna win this thing. All the good mojo, all the positive passion, all the hard-working unity is on our side. The truth is on our side.

(Here's a video of Springsteen at the Madison rally.)

October 29, 2004 at 01:04 PM in Candidates & Races, Visuals | Permalink


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