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Monday, March 21, 2005

Iraq War Resolution

One of the best things about attending our ward-precinct meetings is that we can submit resolutions for approval that then go on to be considered for adoption at the county and state levels. In this way, we can let our Party leaders know what we believe on any number of issues, and have a chance to shape the Party platform.

Paul Stokes of Corrales (Sandoval County) has created a resolution regarding the Iraq War for consideration at his ward meeting and is encouraging other folks to do the same at their meetings. Click for a Word doc of his Proposed Resolution. I made it for Bernalillo County, but you can use it in any county by changing that.

You can use this format to create resolutions about other issues as well, and take them to your precinct-ward meeting for consideration. Resolutions come from the bottom up so they're an important part of grassroots input. Let's take advantage of this tool!

March 21, 2005 at 04:29 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink


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