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Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Democracy for Santa Fe Meetup

milesMainThe activists at Democracy for Santa Fe's meetup today will be joined by Dr. Miles Nelson, who ran against Richard Romero in the Democratic Primary for New Mexico Congressional District 1. Dr. Nelson is an emergency physician who works at St. Vincent Hospital in Santa Fe. He has since founded a Political Action Committee (PAC) to support progressive candidates. Miles will share with us his thoughts on and plans for the future of progressive politics in our state.

There will also be a teleconference with Mike Miles, who is running for U.S. Senate in Colorado. Mike will be speaking about his insurgent candidacy in that race, as well as his larger view of the progressive agenda. We are especially eager to give Mike and Miles Nelson an opportunity to talk with each other.

Also joining DFSF will be Mona Blaber, a local activist and campaign worker recently returned from her trip to Boston as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention. We have sought one other guest, but have not as yet heard whether or not he will be available. We'll just leave you hanging, since we've been left hanging as well.

After this Meetup, we will only have two more before the November election. The time to get reinserted into political activism is NOW. We can wish for a regime change in America or we can work to make it happen. We can greet the headlines of November 3rd as spectators or as participants in the making of those headlines.

Many of you have continued to be active in registering voters, writing letters, going to rallies and protests and so on. Others have gone quiet. We need for those of you who have been discouraged by what happened in Governor Dean's campaign to re-emerge in time to take America back from the Bush regime.

There are a lot of races that need your help: Tom Udall for 3rd Congressional District, Ed Chavez for NM Supreme Court, Richard Romero in the 1st Congressional District down south, as well as the Presidential campaign of John Kerry and John Edwards.

We need to take a small step in the right direction by giving the White House and the Congress to the Democratic Party. That is our immediate goal. Our long-term goal is to build a farm team of progressive candidates and activists who can be insurgents in the future. This can only be done when every American decides to stop abdicating his or her responsibility to vote and be active.

We at Democracy for Santa Fe can help you find an organization that can use your time and talents to best effect come November. Come to Meetup this Wednesday. Bring friends. Get inspired. Get connected. Get busy.
John McAndrew
Democracy for Santa Fe
Progressive. Inclusive. Active.

August 4, 2004 at 02:35 PM in DFNM - Santa Fe, MeetUp | Permalink


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