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Friday, August 11, 2006

Patricia Madrid's New Ad: Hard-Working New Mexicans More Important Than Oil Companies

Yes, Heather Wilson has taken $400,000 and counting from big oil companies, and her voting record shows it. That's the thing about too many Bush-era Republicans -- serving ordinary Americans isn't priority number one. They get so much money from oil companies, multinational corporations and wealthy right-wing interests that they forget who they're supposed to be representing. Plus, with the right-wing Republican leadership operating with maximum power and control -- and bought off by special interests and monied tax evaders -- most Republicans aren't strong enough to buck the trend. Heather Wilson follows the leaders, and the Republican leaders are people like Karl Rove, the now discredited Tom DeLay, Dennis Hastert, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and Bush himself.

In contrast, Madrid is a home-grown candidate of the people, born and raised right here. She's a member of a family with deep roots in the unique cultural mix that is New Mexico. I believe her first priority is and always will be to represent hard-working New Mexicans, for these are her neighbors, her family members, her friends, her co-workers, her culture.

What are the issues that concern Patricia Madrid? The environment. Global warming. Alternative energy sources. Health care for all. Real education improvements. A raise in the minimum wage. Fair trade agreements that put American workers on a level playing field. Preserving and strengthening Social Security. Cutting Big Pharma down to size so Medicare operates efficiently. Ending the Iraq War and reestablishing our diplomatic network and credibility in the world.

Wilson sometimes pays lip service to these issues, but votes overwhelmingly with her Party's most radically conservative members and against the interests of the common good, the common person. On the other hand, Madrid's long track record of public service in New Mexico demonstrates clearly that she'll be looking out for OUR interests, not only those of the richest members of the investor class. Like all core Democrats, she believes government can do amazing things if elected officials put the real needs of all our people first.

The Rovian, Swift-Boating Republican spin machine can try to convince people that it's Heather Wilson who's on the side of the people, that she's a kind and honest problem solver rather than an apologist for the Bush failures and fiascos, but we know better. We've seen what the Bush machine has done to America, to Americans and to our standing in the world. Don't let them fool you into thinking that Wilson isn't a full-fledged cog in that destructive machine. It's agreeable cogs like her that allow the right-wing machine to run America into the ground, domestically and abroad, day in and day out.

What is the central Democratic value? I think it's fairness and justice for all. An even break. A leg up for those who have run into problems. A seat at the table for all our citizens. An openminded, progressive approach to solving problems so we can create a better future for all, not just for a handful of winners already at the top of the financial heap.

Think of it. If we help get Madrid elected now, we'll be that much farther along the road to our goal of taking back the government so it serves the people again and not the other way around. Can you imagine how different things would be for us today if that were the case? Imagine, and then pledge to help Patricia Madrid take back this House seat for all New Mexicans, so the pressing issues of the day that affect us all can once again get the attention they deserve. Click here to contribute a few bucks or some hours of your time to help Madrid beat Heather. The clock is ticking.

We need the real thing, not a rep like Heather Wilson who pretends to care about all the people, but votes in tandem with those who think it's every man (or woman) for themselves. Enough already. We need a change.

August 11, 2006 at 02:12 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


The Journal and the rest of the drive by media seem to think that this race is all about one issue. It's not. It's about comparing ALL of Patricia Madrid's record to ALL of Heather Wilson's.

Is Patricia Madrid perfect? Or course note. Is Heather Wilson perfect? Far from it.

Will she oppose the Bush agenda? You bet she will.

Madrid's been an OK Attorney General. She botched some things (Vigil) but, Heather Wilson's botched up many more things (see list in the post).

So, drive by media, stop reciting the Karl Rove talking points. The Vigil story is important - but, please, also talk about Heather Wilson's record and highlight some of Patricia Madrid's many accomplishments for once.

Posted by: Journal Slime | Aug 11, 2006 2:44:45 PM

If you ask me this whole scandal thing is cooked up by our highly partisan US attorney Iglesias working in tandem with Rove and Alberto Gonzales. You could go into any state and find stuff like this or much much worse. And have you heard of any state ag who's ever put everything into investigating their own party, whether Repub or Dem? It's silly.

Meanwhile Alberto won't even stand up to Bush and his bunch to protect our constitution.

They are hypocrites and the Journal is working hand in hand with them. It is so obvious.

Posted by: Old Dem | Aug 11, 2006 3:19:50 PM

From where I sit, this campaign is not about how perfect Ms Madrid did her job as AG on LOCAL issues. It's about electing someone that will work with her Democratic colleagues in the House to start holding this administration accountable for their violations of the Constitution, their ignoring the rule of law, their attempt to hand this incompetent President more power than what the founding fathers ever thought necessary under our form of Democracy. Clearly Ms Wilson has acted as a rubber-stamp for this administration, has put corporate interests ahead of those of the people she represents by supporting most everything that benefits big business and little that helps the people she was elected to serve. Has all but refused to question anything this admin has done, has failed to fulfill her Constitutionally required duty to provide over site of the executive branch. She could have stepped up at anytime and done the right thing, but instead has even participated in the culture of corruption by accepting their money. The closest thing I have seen that might be called accountability was when she got her panties in a bunch over Janet Jackson's 2 second breast exposure during the Super bowl Half Time show. It's time for her to be sent packing and replaced by someone who understands the needs of Joe and Jane Lunch Box, average working people and I believe Ms Madrid is that person.

Posted by: VP | Aug 11, 2006 5:58:55 PM

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