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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

NM Democratic Reunion Events Set for This Weekend

Reddonk_1Democrats all over the nation will be participating in "Democratic Reunion" events this coming weekend. Here in New Mexico, there are events scheduled for Chavez, Santa Fe, Bernalillo, Taos, Dona Ana, Socorro, Valencia, Roosevelt and Quay counties and Las Vegas. You can learn more and sign up for events at the DNC's Democratic Reunion site, or create your own event. There'll be cookouts, picnics, canvassing, ice cream socials, potlucks and more. Here's the info on Bernalillo County's event:

From theTerri Holland, Executive Director of the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County: The Democratic Party of Bernalillo County is hosting our First Annual Old Fashioned County Picnic to be held this year on Saturday, July 29 from noon through 5:00 PM at Villa Hispana -- Expo New Mexico (State Fair Grounds). This will be free to one and all, there will be games for adults and children, a raffle, a cakewalk, candidates, music and lots of fun. Our goal is to energize the county and help to get out the vote. We will have hot-dogs and hamburgers, cokes and treats for sale, but families will be encouraged to bring their own picnic lunch. Call for any further details - 256-1855. All Democrats welcome!

July 25, 2006 at 11:01 AM in Democratic Party | Permalink


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