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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Sunday Circus Bird Blogging


American life can feel like a circus these days, and Sunny our sun conure parrot apparently sees things that way -- as long as he can be in the center ring. He loves to hang upside down, especially when someone is around to watch. Despite his residing far from any surf, he calls the above pose "hanging ten."


When he's done wowing observers with that maneuver, he likes to take it a step further and hang by only one foot. He calls this his "high five" trick and he often alternates hanging by one foot and then the other, twisting and turning theatrically in the process. He boogies, and he expects heartfelt oohs and ahs as a reward, like any performer (or politician) worth his or her salt.


Afterwards, he like to use his foot in another pursuit -- chowing down on his seeds, veggies and fruits. Notice that he's using his LEFT foot, which should give you a clue about the side of the political spectrum that Sunny favors. Eventually, he puts his foot down, as he hopes Americans will do in finally stopping the Bush machine in its tracks. Enough is enough! (Click on images for larger versions.)

May 21, 2006 at 11:22 AM in Bird Blogging | Permalink


How cute!

I hear there a lot of birds chirping in New Mexico right now. With Vigil going down some bird brains are trying to come up with new story lines.

Mary Herrera and Stephanie Gonzales and Shirley Hooper are birds of a beautiful feather and seem to be flocking together in their common interest to see criminals go down. Can't wait. Each one of them would make an EXCELLENT Secretary of State.

Rebecca, start looking for those missing tapes. The other girls want to hear the music before the fat lady sings!

Posted by: Edge | May 22, 2006 5:29:40 AM

Mary Herrera is awful. Period. She fought the new paper ballot system tooth and nail and worked with republicans against it at the legislature. She lies about it now. She is part of what we need to get rid of in our state.

Posted by: JLC | May 22, 2006 9:17:36 AM

You could make money off this bird! Very talented.

Posted by: Bird Nut | May 22, 2006 9:50:48 AM

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