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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

ACTION ALERT: Two Proposals Will Shape NM Minimum Wage Legislation

The dueling plans to raise the minimum wage in New Mexico:

Governor Bill Richardson has proposed raising New Mexico's minimum wage to $7.50 an hour in three phases, starting at $6.50 an hour in January 2007 and reaching $7.50 in January 2009. There would be no automatic increases tied to inflation. He'd leave intact Santa Fe's local minimum wage plan, but prohibit other municipalities from imposing local minimum wage laws for the next five years.

Speaker of the House Ben Lujan, however, intends to introduce a bill that would increase the minimum to $7.50 in one fell swoop in January 2007, as well as preserve the ability of localities to pre-empt the state law with a higher rate. His proposal, like the Governor's, fails to include a provision to automatically link future increases to inflation rates.

Except for a missing link to the inflation rate, Rep. Lujan's bill matches the proposal made by New Mexicans for a Fair Wage, as well as a resolution on the minimum wage passed by the Democratic Party of New Mexico at its meeting this past November.

Here's the response on behalf of the coalition urging a minimum wage increase in a Santa Fe New Mexican article that provides detailed coverage of this issue:

Carter Bundy, speaking on behalf of New Mexicans for a Fair Wage, a coalition of groups seeking to boost the state’s minimum wage to $7.50 an hour, said the coalition wants that increase as soon as possible and opposes any local pre-emption provisions [that would stop them from having their own minimum wage laws]

However, Bundy also said the coalition was pleased Richardson backed its proposed pay floor.

“On balance, we are very proud of this governor for coming to $7.50,” Bundy said

Given the pressure that will be applied by the likes of Albuquerque's Chamber of Commerce, which conducted a misleading campaign against Albuquerque's unsuccessful minimum wage increase effort this Fall, it is imperative that we contact our legislators by phone and email to urge their support of Rep. Lujan's bill. Also a good idea: contacting Rep. Lujan to thank him for standing by the people in the face of pressure to water down the wage increase.

Reports indicate lawmakers will be lining up on this issue over the next few days. Kate Nash of the Albuquerque Tribune has the story. Now is the time to make your views known. Check out the NM Legislature website to find your legislator.

January 18, 2006 at 02:09 PM in Local Politics | Permalink


What a cave by Richardson to the republicans. We have a democratic governor and legislature and yet these people are scared to raise the wage to a measly $7.50. They aren't scared to try to get millions to have taxpayers pay for a spaceship launcher that the company should pay for itself. What a crock.

Posted by: redorgreen | Jan 19, 2006 9:25:44 AM

It seems almost shameful to try to nickel and dime this much needed increase, especially given all the bucks and breaks Richardson is trying to give business and Repub interests this go around.

Hope Rep. Lujan sticks to his guns.

Posted by: Old Dem | Jan 19, 2006 10:51:03 AM

Let's hope Richardson is just playing to the anti-raise people in public and will back Lujan's bill behind the scenes. If a Democratic gov can't back this bill, he isn't really a Democrat, is he?

Posted by: I Vote | Jan 19, 2006 12:03:30 PM

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