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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Report: Yesterday's Election Reform Task Force Meeting

Editor's Note: The last Election Reform Task Force meeting before January's NM Legislative Session was held yesterday at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe. As I'm sure you'll recall, voters interested in this issue were urged to attend to emphasize that there is widespread support for following through on much needed reforms in how we vote and how our votes are counted. Here's a first-hand report from someone who has attended every meeting of the Task Force since its inception, including yesterday's session. In addition, you can read an article on the meeting from today's Santa Fe New Mexican .

From Terry Riley:
How did it go?  I put out the call asking people to come with us to attend the final session of the Election Reform Task Force.  I offer this synopsis for those who were not able to make it.  I would also like to point out, since some people made some comments, that committee actions are not black and white and nothing moves quickly.  What you saw as an occasional observer may have looked frustrating.  This is what I saw.

The Task Force has a first draft of a bill that they are going to push through the legislature in this session.  The task force has asked all of the county clerks to submit realistic funding requirements so the legislature can ask for an appropriate amount of money to make this work!  The Task Force has committed to operate again after this legislative session.  This will ensure that more changes and improvements will be made. 

One of the most significant things that happened was the presentation by the attorney for the Attorney General.  He stated that the Attorney General was expecting to be able to vote on paper trail/ballot machines in this upcoming election and that presently that will not happen.  That is the right kind of pressure at the right time.  We also got committments from representative Mary Hellen Garcia from Otero County and Senator Ortiz Y Pino from Bernalillo County to introduce legislation requiring paper ballot machines in all of New Mexico.

We had more than 50 people attend the beginning of the session and that was noted by the Task Force co-chairs.  Though we were asked to not applaud the effect was just what we wanted and was duely noted.  This was a great event.

Thank you to everybody who came.  We are changing politics in New Mexico and planting the seed for change on the national level.  Count my vote - as I voted!

December 15, 2005 at 10:55 AM in Local Politics | Permalink


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