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Thursday, November 10, 2005

So Happy Together


Now that we know Gov. Richardson is alive and well (despite reports to the contrary), we can quote him on the Dem gubernatorial victories in Virginia and New Jersey and the defeat of Arnold's propositions in California. Here's an excerpt from a Globe and Mail article that includes coverage of a joint appearance in Washington by DNC Chair Howard Dean and Democratic Governors Association Chair Bill Richardson:

"The Democratic Party is back. This is a good omen for 2006 and 2008," crowed New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, chairman of the Democratic Governors Association.

At a news conference yesterday, he said he is looking forward to congressional elections in 2006 and the presidential race two years from now.

"Voters don't like the abuse of power, they don't like the culture of corruption," said Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee and unsuccessful candidate for his party's presidential nomination in 2004.


Dem victories are always a cause for celebration, and a rare appearance together at the same podium by Howard and Bill is always a cause for putting up some photos. Happy days are here again (and let's hope they continue).

November 10, 2005 at 01:21 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


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