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Sunday, September 25, 2005

Bird Vote Blogging


Absentee voting in-person and early voting in-person for the October 4 election . Plan on voting election day? See ? You can online. In addition to candidates and ballot initiatives, voters will also see a number of general obligation bonds on the ballot. GO bonds are used to fund essential infrastructure such as roads, sewer systems, and libraries. Voters may before voting.

The League of Women Voters of Albuquerque - Bernalillo County has a website that includes an online version of their always excellent nonpartisan Voters Guide, with information on voting, deadlines, candidates, ballot initiatives and more.

You can visit the websites of many of the candidates and groups advocating on behalf of ballot initiatives by clicking on the links on the left-hand side of this page.


Ginger, our lutino parakeet, intends to help get out the avian vote, even those birds who aren't exactly alive (see above). She's a staunch supporter of Eric Griego and Marianne Dickinson, and is particularly concerned about making sure the living wage proposal wins. Ginger owns a small election consulting firm and she pays her human workers (see top) quite well, but she wants to make sure ALL of Albuquerque's workers start getting a better deal.

September 25, 2005 at 01:20 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


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