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Monday, May 02, 2005

Boy Scouts Occupy Valle Vidal to Block Drilling


Read all about it at James Scarantino's Real Side blog.

Then go do something about it at the website of the Coalition for the Valle Vidal.

May 2, 2005 at 01:53 PM in Local Politics | Permalink


Hello all,

I'd written a bit in a blog I'd found for the Valle Vidal in the Free New Mexican web site. Hope this message reaches the Scouts. It warmed my heart greatly to hear of the seige. Keep it up, find holes in the containment and find ways to replenish your supplies. As long as you can keep it up, the press will eventually have to run the story. It's more American to stand up for what you believe in than it is to quit, especially when it come to the environment and most especially when it comes to the Valle Vidal.
Don't starve yourselves - use your Scout skills and find sympathetic folks to help you out.
I'll see what little bit I can do to help the national press to pick up this story and I hope all that read this will do likewise. As a former Scout, I solemnly salute you.
-Duane Wright

Posted by: Duane Wright | Jun 5, 2005 5:38:42 PM

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