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Friday, April 22, 2005

Off to Socorro


I'll be joining a bunch of other progressives traveling down to the Democratic Party State Central Committee meetings and events in Socorro later today. In addition to voting members who were elected to seats on the SCC, others will be going down as interested parties to check out the fundraiser reception tonight, attend the SCC meeting and participate in the planning meeting for a progressive caucus and afternoon training sessions on Saturday .

I hope we get a huge turnout at all the events, but especially the progressive caucus meeting. It will be terrific to meet like-minded folks from around the state to discuss organization and strategy.

Bosco the peach-faced lovebird, he of Sunday Bird Blogging fame, will be traveling with us. It will be his first extended trip on the road and at a hotel, so I imagine he'll be quite excited and curious about all things Dem. We bought him a new traveling cage (yellow with palm trees) and hope we'll get alot of use out of it if we actually get some weekends free of politics and we can camp out in some of our favorite haunts this summer. The cage even came with mosquito netting!

It's been quite a week for political meetings. It started with a legislative townhall meeting put on by the State Party in Albuquerque on Tuesday that featured local legislative committee chairs. The speeches in some cases were excellent, some went on a bit long, and not enough time was left for questioning and provocation from the audience (!), but the after-meeting discussions were top-notch. It was great to see a meeting where the check-in process was easy, comment cards, free bottled water and hard candies were at the sign-in tables, and a roaming microphone and video-cam recorded the events and allowed comments and questions to actually be heard.

I found it particularly satisfying brainstorming with Rep. Mimi Stewart, State Party Director of Field Operations Joaquin Guerra, Deputy Executive Director Gideon Elliot and others after the meeting about how we can improve the Party, get our message out to more people in every area of the state, run candidates in as many races as possible, get people trained and win a few elections. It was also fun meeting Field Organizer Meredith Dixon's handsome Bernese Mountain Dog!

Last night we missed the Third Thursday meeting of the Bernalillo County Dems because we wanted to attend our neighborhood association meeting. We should have skipped that one instead. What a disheartening experience to find that so many present strongly support the proposed new, massive, 24-hour Wal-Mart near Wyoming and Menaul.

It was sickening to hear people praising Wal-Mart, insisting they don't believe the company discriminates against women employees despite a huge class-action suit and saying they pretty much don't care that traffic, air pollution and noise will increase dramatically in the Hoffmantown neighborhood. Talk about moral values: I wouldn't be surprised if this bunch would trade their liberty and voting rights for the alleged "bargains" available at Wal-Mart. Merchandise produced under slave-labor conditions in Third World countries? Small, locally owned businesses closing down in the neighborhood due to Wal-Mart tactics? Who cares!

Ah, well, If anyone reading this attended the DPBC meeting last night at the law school, I'd appreciate hearing about it in the commments to this post. We hated to miss it.

And so, off to pack for Socorro. It will be interesting to see how the resolutions passed at last Saturday's State Resolutions Committee fare at the SCC. And what will happen with the numerous resolutions that got put aside for later discussion and voting that never happened. Considering the overwhelming support for many of these at the ward and county levels, like the one calling for a living wage, it would be a travesty for the Party to let them fade into oblivion. We'll be working on it.

April 22, 2005 at 10:25 AM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink


Barbara, This week's 3rd Thursday meeting at UNM was very well attended, with about 110 people, including many ward chairs, vice chairs and precinct chairs. The theme was advertised to be 'Ward and Precinct organizing' and Marvin Moss did hand out a 6 page document called, "Working Your Precinct". But we did not spend any time discussing it, which was frustrating, since it was why I attended. It is now a homework assignment for a future meeting. Nope, instead of learning how to be more effective, we spent most of the time listening to candidates running for state party positions and complaints from the attendees regarding how disorganized the Democratic Party was, how poor their communications were and how pissed they are that we can't win elections. Ironic. We have me the enemy and he is us.
However some good things did happen... Eric Elison announced the upcoming public debate forum May 22nd at TVI on "The Use and Abuse of Religion in Politics" and got several volunteers to help our efforts. We will send you a more formal press release shortly. A motion also passed, to hold quarterly meetings of Ward Chairs to do some real organizing. First meeting in May sometime - watch the DPBC Web site.
Recognition was also given to Mike and Shay rose, who had held a very well prepared Ward activation meeting, with a great information packet. Also, about $200 was collected in the jar they passed around.
But I dearly hope that Marvin Moss imposes some better discipline in future meetings. We can't afford to waste time like this.

Posted by: Tom Solomon | Apr 23, 2005 8:58:57 AM

I am moving into the neighborhood right next to Hoffmantown and was not real pleased to learn from a guest at my office that my new neighbor would be Wal-Mart. I came home tonight and thought I would check that out. I am very upset to hear the idea of ANOTHER Wal-Mart, when there are several within a seven minute drive, is appealing. I was relieved to see from your site that at least one of my new neighbors is on the same page. There is an excellent book available about the discrimination lawsuit at Wal-Mart that I will recommend to anyone who believes their bargains are not coming at a price...

Posted by: Ilyssa | Jul 19, 2005 11:01:08 PM

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