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Monday, March 21, 2005

Shutdown for Bush Visit

From Stop the War Machine:

Traffic Alert: Presidential Visit to close freeways and local roads, impact airport, on Monday night and Tuesday morning (3-21, 3-22)

The President will arrive in Albuquerque on Monday night. Expect short but sudden complete road closures at and around the airport and on I-25 that evening, as Air Force One arrives at the Sunport and the Presidential Motorcade goes by. He will spend the night in town, at a secure undisclosed location. Previously, the President has stayed at the Marriott North at Paseo & I-25 or the Hyatt Regency Downtown.

Tuesday morning rush hour - expect lots of road closures on the freeways and downtown (2nd St NW, 3rd St NW, Tijeras Av NW, Marquette Av NW, Dr. Martin Luther King Av NW) around the Convention Center, where the President will speak at 9:30 am.  City Buses will be on detour routes downtown. Expect I-25 (MLK to Sunport) to close later that morning for the Presidential motorcade as the President leaves Albuquerque to fly to Crawford TX. The event is for ticketholders only.

March 21, 2005 at 12:47 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink


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