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Friday, February 11, 2005

Saturday ABQ Rally Against War Profiteers

From Stop the War Machine:
(Believe it or not, there are weapons that are worse than nukes.  Come down to the Albuquerque Hilton this Saturday at 11 AM and join us to protest the weapons that are being placed in space.)

Big Rally Against War Profiteers:  Albuquerque needs money for jobs and healthcare, not war in space!

Saturday, February 12, 2005 at the University of New Mexico Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion; Albuquerque Hilton Hotel (1901 University Boulevard at I-40), 11 AM -1 PM; Questions? StopTheWarMachine@comcast.net (268-9557) or www.Space4Peace.org .

Saturday is the kick off day for a week long gathering of war planners and profiteers.  UNM sponsors this conference.  Look for other actions at the symposium during the week of activates

We will raise the demand that money being sent to prepare for war in space be spent for jobs, healthcare, and environmental restoration.  For instance, the Indian Health Service is closing its Albuquerque hospital due to federal budget cuts.  Yet at the same time millions are being planned for a nuclear bunker buster bomb, billions for space laser weapons and nuclear power system. 

We must stand up and challenge these upside down priorities and demand people be put before war profiteering.  This is a protest in conjunction with the Global Network Against Nuclear Power and Weapons in Space.

February 11, 2005 at 09:39 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink


Barb! Congratualations to you and all of the DFA and DFNM peeps! I am so so proud of all of the passionate and hard work you are doing and that you have built such a wonderful platform for your ideals to transform into action.

Your continuuing faith in the Dean vision for America and your tireless effort with M.E. and countless others who share your passion will truly be the movement that brings America back to the hopes, dreams and tenacity that built it.

With ultimate respect and admiration, your sister in alien consciousness,

Posted by: Liz Melendez | Feb 12, 2005 5:19:28 PM

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