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Sunday, January 23, 2005

Latest on Race for DNC Chair

The voting members of the DNC are having their Western Regional Caucus this weekend in Sacramento, CA, and alot of good reports about the event are filtering in on the blogs. Dean supporters have been out in force at the meetings and it appears that he's now the clear frontrunner among the candidates for DNC Chair. We all know what that means. As reported by Howard Fineman of Newsweek in an article entitled "Now Playing: 'Anybody But Dean, Part 2'":

Democrats, meanwhile, divided into familiar warring camps: for and against Howard Dean. In Burlington, Vt., Dean and hundreds of fans gathered for an "un-Inauguration"--and in support of the former governor's quest to become the new chairman of the Democratic Party. In Georgetown that same evening,  hordes of insiders partied at the stately home of Mark Penn, the Clinton family pollster, where they gripped and grinned with Bill and Hill, cheered each other up--and fretted about Dean's assault on party headquarters. "There was a ton of positive energy at the house," a guest said later, "except for the fear and loathing of Dean."

Isn't it classy that the Hillary and Bill Clinton wing of the Party is so threatened by the power of the people in the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party that they'd rather hang onto power and lose than join in to make the changes we need to win?

And this really makes me laugh so hard it's more like crying:

Then, as now, a party establishment—based in Congress, governors' mansions and Georgetown salons—viewed him (Dean) as a loudmouthed lefty whose visibility would ruin the Democratic brand in Red States.

Ruin the Democratic brand in the Red States? What Democratic brand? The one that was so ignored that Kerry and other top Dems made not one appearance in non-battleground Red States, and ensured that the DNC gave as little bucks as possible to our state parties there?

Um, I guess these DLC-Clintonista types haven't noticed that we've lost more seats in Congress and legislatures and cities and counties than ever before with their "brand" of apologetic, weak-kneed begging. We've lost the presidency twice in a row with their "brand" of Republican-lite and their inside the Beltway "consultants" who are so afraid to be Democrats that they've developed a brand that stands for absolutely nothing, one entirely devoid of passion and pride.

Here are links to blog articles on this weekend's DNC caucus:

DNC Caucus: Dean's Fresh Horses & Hillary's Dark Forces

DNC Western Caucus Today in Sacramento

January 23, 2005 at 01:25 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink


What she said!

I remember when Carville and Begala, and all the names you never heard of, WERE the "fresh horses". I was as excited as anyone when Clinton came to "power", and then cried when his gays in the military initiative went down in flames, mostly because Southern Dems wouldn't support it. That was when I knew we were doomed, not by Republicans who naturally stood in our way, but by the Sam Nunns and Zell Millers who really needed to go. Well, they've gone, but what happened to the idealistic Clintonites?

Yeah, we need fresh horses, all right. We did about 12 years ago, and none arrived.

Posted by: Kathy | Jan 24, 2005 5:05:40 AM

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