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Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Check Out I'm Blue


From Tony  DellaFlora:
I'm Blue was formed in response to the disaster of Nov. 2. Our first priority was to give "blue" voters a chance to make it clear that regardless of the results of the election, progressives and liberals everywhere would continue to stand on principle.

Thus, we declared Inauguration Day a National Day of Mourning and Solidarity for blues. We ask progressives to observe a moment of silence during the Inauguration and encourage them to wear blue mourning armbands that day.

The long-term goal of the group is to use its website, www.imblue.net as a resource for bringing together the disparate elements of the progressive movement, particularly in New Mexico. We will assist  local groups in disseminating information about issues, events, meetings and opportunities to take action. But we are most interested in redefining and reframing progressive values, creating cohesive strategies for long-term success, and serving as a resource for progressive candidates in this state. If that works, then we'll look at the rest of the country.

Editor's Note: You may have met Tony at our DFA-DFNM Meetup or other progressive events around town. He's a great guy and I'd like to urge you to visit his website and his online store. If you buy an "I'm Blue" armband or bumpersticker, 5% of the purchase price will be donated to us for the cause of our choice. Just type in "DFNM" in the coupon spot on the online order form.

January 19, 2005 at 01:30 PM in Local Politics, Web/Tech | Permalink


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