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Thursday, December 16, 2004

Who's Coming With Me to the Counter-Inaugural?

From Thomas A. Prando II:

Newgif_1Dear New Mexico Progressives,

By now you've probably seen the flyers (click on image for larger version) about the trip to D.C., and no, that isn't Alfred E. Newman in the background. I've put together this trip, not only because it's a great cause, but because I think that our side is far too complacent, and we don't get any media coverage on what we believe is right. When they have a book burning, we read about it in the paper.

When they protest the removal of a statue from a courthouse, we see it on every news outlet in the nation. Where are the Progressives? Where are we?

We're complaining to ourselves, and our spouses that "these people are ridiculous!" Our protests consist of 10 to 12 people huddled together off Central by the University holding up big signs, with slogans on them like, "HONK IF YER PISSED!" We need action! The Christian "Right" successfully pulled off a coup d'etat, and we sat back, and read about it in the paper. We need to change this!

And our first call to action is this trip to Washington, D.C. to show the righties how serious we are about taking back our country. When they see a bus full of angry Liberals from New Mexico traveling 1900 miles across the country to voice our grievances, it might make them think, "Maybe they're serious." Now I realize it is a week off of work, but it's worth it. Thousands of people across the nation are making the trip, and we need to send our Delegation. We need to set an example! Who knows? Maybe in the future people will think of us when they see 30 Righties getting together to burn books, instead of watching it on the news, we'll have 60 of us there to protest that burning.

Instead of watching 50 right wing nut jobs protest a woman's right to choose on television, we'll have 100 progressives there at that clinic protecting that right. The government as it stands is not going to protect our rights and beliefs. We are. And on January 17th through 23rd of 2005, we are going to start our own Revolution, and it will be televised. And you know why? Because WE ARE THE MAJORITY AND THIS IS OUR COUNTRY! Join me on this journey and set an example for what is about to be the new Progressive Movement!

Who's coming with me?

Thomas A. Prando II

P.S. I'm giving a $100 discount to everyone who responds to this e-mail.
P.P.S. If you can afford to go but can't get the 4 days off of work, sponsor someone who can go but can't afford it!!

December 16, 2004 at 08:46 AM in Events | Permalink


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