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Friday, December 17, 2004

Urge Your Rep to Support NM Medical Marijuana Bill

From Reena Szczepanski, Director, Drug Policy Alliance New Mexico:

In just a few short weeks, the rap of a gavel inside the Roundhouse in Santa Fe will bring us another chance to do what's been impossible so far -- passing a medical marijuana law here in New Mexico. I'd like to share with you our progress so far, and fill you in on how you can help.

Republican Sen. Steve Komadina, the only physician in the legislature, will be sponsoring a bill to provide sick and dying patients in New Mexico with access to medical marijuana. I'll bet you didn't know that 250 people received medical marijuana in New Mexico through the Lynn Pierson Therapeutic Research Program from 1979 to 1986. The study was run through the University of New Mexico and was actually approved by the FDA, NIDA, NCI, and the DEA! It found that both smoked marijuana and oral d-9-THC were effective for treating nausea. We were one of the first states to sponsor a program like this, and now it's time to honor that history by providing access to this medicine again.

Please join dozens of your fellow New Mexicans in urging your state lawmakers to join the Alliance in our fight for medical marijuana. Send a free fax today asking them to co-sponsor and vote for the Komadina bill, which will come up for consideration in mid-January.

Also, here's a special opportunity to help us with our year-end fundraising campaign. It's called the Bake Sail, and it gives you the chance to become a volunteer fundraiser and win a Mediterranean cruise. You can make a donation using my Bake Sail page, or set up your own and become a volunteer fundraiser today: Click for My page or Your own page.

December 17, 2004 at 11:53 AM in Local Politics | Permalink


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