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Friday, December 17, 2004



We're going to see the women's vocal group Kitka tonight at Popejoy Hall. They specialize in Eastern European women's vocal traditions going back to pre-Christian eras. They're famous for their harmonies and we think hearing them will help salve the pain caused by a  lack of harmonies in today's political landcape. Well, at least that's a good excuse for posting about them here on DFNM!

They'll be accompanied tonight by a violinist, a player of dumbek, tupan and frame drums and another who plays tambura, bouzouki and tupan. They'll be performing Wintersongs, which their website explains "showcases material ranging from rousing Slavic folk carols and lush, meditative Eastern Orthodox sacred choral works, to pre-Christian incantations for the longest nights of the year and Hebrew folk songs for Chanukah. Highlights include Tec Peleite Zernju Zogtu, an ancient Latgalian (Eastern Latvian) Winter Solstice song invoking the god of the heavens and the goddess of the Sun; Koledni Pesni, a medley of Bulgarian folk carols recalling the nativity sung in the traditional antiphonal village style; and Byla Cesta, a poignant 19th-century Moravian carol. Other pieces include the sublime 12th-century Georgian hymn to the Virgin Shen Khar Venakhi; and a collection of joyful Shchedrivki, songs sung for the traditional Ukrainian New Year festival of Malanka."

I think the time is definitely right for some Ukrainian New Year music in celebration of their burgeoning democracy movement and all those orange hats and headbands. Another political connection for Kitka music!

Check out and be sure to listen to some clips. Amazing.

December 17, 2004 at 10:30 AM in Music | Permalink


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