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Thursday, December 16, 2004

Antidote and Inoculation to the Inauguration: I Am Blue, One of 57 Million

I agreed to pass along this email from Kathy Economy:
Greetings ‘Blue’ Friends! Come Join Me! Yes, like you I am greatly disappointed, concerned, and plain scared of the outcome of this presidential election.

We all know there were some less than integrous, unscrupulous, and immoral activities carried out by the neo-conservative republicans that ‘won’ (I use the term loosely) this election. Lamenting over it is normal But we now need to get out of our blue funk and start exercising the processes and institutions now in place to mitigate the neo-conservative agenda that is being carried out with great speed. We need to rise up and mobilize ourselves with the same fervor, passion, and commitment as our fore-fathers and fore-mothers did to institutionalize progressive thinking policies, issues and legislation in order to prevent their destruction with a few strokes of a pen.

You can help! There is strength in numbers, and there are many of us ‘blue’ here in Albuquerque who want to take action. Let us use the anger and disappointment that will be welling up in all of us Inauguration Day (January 20th) to our advantage by organizing an'Antidote and Inoculation to the Inauguration: I Am Blue, One of 57 Million’ mobilization event here in Albuquerque. Come join me and your other blue friends on January 20th to get involved!

Antidote and Inoculation to the Inauguration: I Am Blue, One of 57 Million
January 20th, 6:00 to 9:00 PM
La Posada Hotel, Albuquerque

What is the intention of this event? To mobilize, rally, and provide a forum for the 'Blue Community' to be heard and focus efforts on those issues, organizations, causes, policies, and laws, that will be diluted or totally repealed given the Bush Neo-Conservative agenda. Participants will include people like you and me and representatives from those organizations that are targets of the neo-conservatives agenda (e.g. Planned Parenthood, Sierra Club, Democratic Party, etc.). These ‘target’ organizations will dispense information, provide dialogue and suggested actions to those that are impassioned to their particular cause. The event will enable and facilitate attendees in connecting with their cause of choice.  The end effect is to nurture and build a louder and stronger voice for progressive issues that are currently being financially strangled and/or legislated to death by the current and future administration.

Will there be speakers? We would like to have local people who are active in the community speak. These speakers will give us local instances and activities as to how we can mitigate the neo-conservative policies that are currently being drafted in Washington that will effect us both globally and locally.

What is the Cost? This event is meant to get as many people involved as possible, so essentially the cost to attendees will be free, with a suggested donation at the door. I am putting the money up-front, and hope donations will help defray my cost.

Can you help? You bet! I encourage you to come to La Posada on January 20th and get involved!

An end note - The NM Democrats will be minimally involved in this activity. They will be finishing up their annual fund-raising event held the weekend of January 15th, hence, their resources are being devoted to that cause. Also, some will be in Washington for the inauguration. So the NM Democratic organization will be participating to some degree in this event, but will not have a high profile in the ground-floor planning.

For more information, email katecono@earthlink.net.

December 16, 2004 at 10:45 AM in Events | Permalink


Fantastic! Count me in!

Posted by: Tom Solomon | Dec 16, 2004 10:54:12 PM

Hi Tom, Thanks for your response. We already have a lot of enthusiasm for this event. There will be some great community speakers to touch, move, and inspire, provide information and strength for us bluers to move forward and speak out, and music. The event will provide an opportunity for all to get involved, meet people of the same 'ilk', and have some fun. (Yes, it is possible to have fun while blue!).

Posted by: Kathy Economy | Dec 20, 2004 7:46:33 AM

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