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Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Hit Sinclair Broadcasting Where It Hurts

You must have already heard about the intent of Sinclair Broadcasting to air a sleazy "documentary," which tells a highly distorted story about Kerry's antiwar activities, just 2 weeks before the election. Sinclair is owned and operated by extreme right-wing Bush supporters, and the main guy behind the film has close ties with the Moonies -- who own the Washington Times rag and have long had their way with the Bush family. For details on this issue, go here.

We can now access a databank of companies that advertise on the network, which operates in most swing states. We can tell them we plan to boycott their products if they don't urge Sinclair to stop their blatantly unfair and even illegal Bush propaganda initiative. Check out the Boycottsbg.com site.

You can also call the local affiliates that Sinclair is trying to force to air the show, preempting their normal schedule. Here's a list of them provided by the DNC.

And this site makes it easy to contact Sinclair Broadcasting and register a complaint with the Federal Election Commission.

You know what to do.

October 12, 2004 at 01:00 PM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink


Sinclair Broadcast Group Controversy

There is another angle to the this issue. We are trying to stop the release of the smear campaign. Why don't we point out Senator Kerry's heroics?

For example, we all remember the Abu Ghraib abuses and torture. Who alerted us to this? Seymour Hersh from the New Yorker.

By blowing the whistle, we know Nick Berg was beheaded. If fact, the Abu Ghraib tortures led to many U.S. military personnel, contractors and others being killed. The insurgency took off after this.

Do we say Seymour Hersh is a traitor?

No, he did his duty to inform us. John Kerry, at the Winter Soldier investigation, listened to the reports from soldiers that were being surpressed by the U.S. government and the Nixon administration.

Young John Kerry did his duty to bring this "truth" to the attention of the Congress, and the American people.

He stood up against the machine. Do we want to punish him now? Of course, all of you don't, but can America punish him now for doing his duty, first, by going to Vietnam, and second, by returning to inform Americans about the truth on the ground -- as the soldiers were telling it. John Kerry didn't make this up.

You can learn more about this at:

Expose the truth -- Kerry is still a hero.

Scott Goold

Posted by: Scott Goold | Oct 12, 2004 1:09:18 PM

I agree. It's important to point out what a courageous act it was for Kerry to go before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and relay the testimony by the Winter Soldiers. He was certainly working on behalf of the troops, not against them as these sleazy propaganda pieces claim.

You can also check out recent blog topics on DFNM about this issue: Pass It On and a related piece about Going Upriver: The Long War of John Kerry, the excellent new documentary about Kerry that includes a thorough and honest examination of his antiwar activities. These also have links to other sites with information about this issue.

FYI: You can access past DFNM thread topics by category or month in the archives area a ways on the right-hand side of the main blog page.

Posted by: barb | Oct 12, 2004 3:34:08 PM

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