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Monday, September 13, 2004

Pedal to the Metal Time


Tick tock. There are only 49 days until the November 2nd election, 22 days left to register to vote and 22 days until the October 5th start date for absentee voting by mail and at county clerks' offices. Now is the time to devote as many hours as we can to volunteering for some organization, any organization, that is dedicated to making Bush a one-term president and gaining Democratic seats in the House and Senate.

We attended an ABQ Kerry campaign training session yesterday which laid out the strategy for the 7 weeks or so left until the election. They will be holding daily phonebanking and canvassing efforts and encouraging people to get together with friends, neighbors and coworkers to communicate talking points and underline how important this election is if we want to preserve our democracy.

We signed up for the canvassing team and will be out several times a week to knock on doors. We did some of this last Thursday and found it to be very satisfying. It's so important to get requests for absentee ballots to folks this month, so we can beat the Republicans at their own game.

ACT NM in Albuquerque is holding a Volunteer Appreciation Day next Saturday at 11AM, with a free BBQ followed by phonebanking, canvassing and letter writing. And the League of Conservation Voters is doing the same with an environmental issues twist. Meanwhile the Democratic Party is continuing with voter registration, MoveOn is organizing precinct workers and the Romero and other local campaigns need help. NM PACE is heading voter registration drives in many parts of the state. All of these are great opportunities for effective volunteering.

We all know how busy we all are with daily life and work. But as the days tick down to November 2nd, it's imperative that everyone contribute at least an hour or two a week toward getting rid of this horrible, extremist regime. Republicans are out in force in every precinct in the state. Can we do less?

Click to the continuation page for contact information for volunteers.

Kerry/Edwards State HQ: 256-2570, 3301 Central NE, ABQ

Kerry/Edwards Santa Fe: 982-5727, Solano Center, 947 W. Alameda, SF

NM Democratic Party: 830-3650, https://nmdemocrats.org/

Bernalillo County Democratic Party: 256-1855, 130 Alvarado NE, ABQ

ACT NM: 872-9466, 5600 Menaul Blvd. NE, ABQ, https://newmexico.actforvictory.org/

Richard Romero Campaign: 244-0827, 407 Rio Grande Blvd., NW, Suite 8, ABQ, https://www.richardromeroforcongress.com/

League of Conservation Voters Environmental Victory Program: 244-1077, 400 Gold St. SW, Suite 980, ABQ, https://www.envirovictory.org/?id=8

MoveOn: https://www.moveonpac.org/lnvb/

NM PACE: In Albuquerque call 505-255-4266, in Santa Fe call 505-923-3812. For Roswell, Artesia, Carlsbad call 505-627-8988. For Las Cruces(Southwest NM) call 505-496-8295.

A summary of events to be held on America Votes' Election Action Day on September 18th:


Note: To find contacts for communities around the state, you can submit a question to the Albuquerque offices of these organizations and they'll be glad to inform you of activities in your area or give you a phone number.

September 13, 2004 at 12:01 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


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