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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Call Domenici Tomorrow On Environment

Have Your Voice Heard for Wildlands!

Tomorrow morning, New Mexico's own senior Senator Pete Domenici will be on 770 KKOB AM, answering your questions! This is an extraordinary opportunity for those who support Wilderness to call in and express your views with the Senator!

As many of you know, Senator Domenici is leading the fight to Drill in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. This is a terrible stance and the Senator needs to be called on it. In addtion, Senator Domenici supports Drilling in New Mexico's Otero Mesa and Valle Vidal. Again, this is an important opportunity for us to call in live and express our discontent with the Senators stances.

When you call the number below, you might be asked what you want to talk about (for screening purposes). Be very general. Say something like you want to ask the Senator a question about Otero Mesa, or that you would like to ask the Senator about a vote he cast.

If anyone has questions about talking points or anything else, please respond to this email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Here is the information to make your Voice Heard on the Radio:


Live Call in Show with Senator Pete Domenici

9:00 am - 10:00

(505) 243-3333 (in Albuquerque)
Or Toll Free on your Verizon or Alltel Wireless
Phone #770

(From NM Wilderness Alliance)

March 30, 2005 at 02:38 PM in Local Politics | Permalink


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