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Friday, January 28, 2005

Progressive Punch

There's an excellent new website where you can check out your U.S. Senators and Representatives on how they voted on progressive issues. There's a scorecard, lots of interesting data and you can also search by issue. Check out Progessive Punch.

As an example, here's a comparison of my Congressional politicos on All Issues:

Rep. Heather Wilson 11.40
Sen. Jeff Bingaman 81.40
Sen. Pete Domenici 9.64

The higher the score, the more progressive the voting record. Then you can see the votes on issues that created the scorecard and you can do the same for any member of Congress. Imagine what Tom DeLay's scorecard looks like. Or not.

January 28, 2005 at 10:06 AM in Web/Tech | Permalink


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