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Monday, January 03, 2005

Rallying Sen. Bingaman: Decertifying Electors

From: sfresearch@33o.com
Subject: Phone Calls, SF Press Conference, Rally Bingaman on January 4th, at Santa Fe Capitol, Noon

This week is going to be exciting. Activists are in negotiations with Senator Jeff Bingaman and his people on two counts: decertifying the Ohio *and* the New Mexico electors. Keep up the phone calls to Senator Bingaman on both accounts: DC: 202.224.5521 and NM: 1-800-443-8658. Full office number list: click here.

Call every influential sympathetic citizen you can think of and make sure they have the numbers and are urged to call. This is the only way Democracy is going to work. If you know who finances Bingaman's elections, contact them.

Don't like making phone calls? It's actually a lot of fun. Political conversation is the most dynamic of human interaction short of the spiritual. This is exciting stuff. Feel energized as you realize you are having an effect. Call me at 505.982.3609 if you need a coaching session.

Call friends in other states and have them call their Senators. Full court press, folks. Citizen, take courage. Remember: You have the power. If you can imagine it, you can do it.

We are moving the rally at Bingaman's office to Tuesday the 4th, though we will also assemble there on the 6th at Noon. I will have to see what can be done regarding permits tomorrow.

Regardless, Bingaman's office and the police chief Beverly Lennon (sp) will be notified in advance about the two dates: the 4th and 6th. The importance of the 4th is twofold: get a jump and be proactive before the vote which is on the 6th and piggyback on the press conference at the Roundhouse regarding the New Mexico recount which is at 12 Noon on the 4th.

Tentatively, given permission, we will march from the press conference at the Roundhouse down to the Plaza, past the library and up Marcy Street to Bingaman's office (Suite 101, 119 East Marcy). I recommend that each person bring a personal letter with them and that we each go in individually or in pairs with the letters to drop them off.

We should be dropping off letters and documentation in support of this effort all week. In particular give the Senator articles appearing at Online Journal, Greg Palast, Truthout and Free Press, and the Conyers investiation documents.

Anything you find out there that is a quality news item regarding the vote fraud and election theft is a good thing to accompany a personal letter.

Fax material to: 202-224-2852

Senators listen to their aides. These are the names of Senator Bingaman's Washington aides. Try to get either Stephan or Trudy on the line to determine what's going on and to make an impression:

Chief of Staff: Stephan Ward
Appointment Secretary: Virginia White
Legislative Director: Trudy Vincent
Press Secretary: Jude McCartin

Think of this in two ways:

  1. This is citizen lobbying of our elected representatives.
  2. This is we provide political cover for our Senator to do the right thing.

Would you believe that the excuse the Senators gave in 2000 for not supporting the Black Caucus in their call for a halt to the Electoral Vote was that no one asked them?

Let's make it perfectly clear. We are asking our Senator, Jeff Bingaman, to put in writing his objection to the Ohio and New Mexico electors according to the United States Code:

"3 U.S.C. ß15: Every objection shall be made in writing, and shall state clearly and concisely, and without argument, the ground thereof, and shall be signed by at least one Senator and one Member of the House of Representatives before the same shall be received."

What happens after that? Here's the details: click for Daily Kos story.

To recap: all week stream into Bingaman's office with personal, handwritten or typed letters including relevant press articles from around the internet or synopses of radio shows like Air America or  Democracy Now.

On Tuesday, show up at the Roundhouse at 12pm Noon to support the continuing efforts to recount the vote in New Mexico. The recent audit in New Mexico showed hundreds of discrepancies in a tiny sampling. New Mexico is not Red yet.

After the press conference, join us for a march to Bingaman's office. This march will be either formal or informal, depending on whether or not we get permission. I will keep everyone updated. At Bingaman's office, let's stay respectful and go in one at a time if we have something to deliver.

Finally, on September 6th, let's once again keep a vigil at Bingaman's office, getting news out to the people about what has transpired in Congress.

Hey, Constitutional Democracy can be fun.

January 3, 2005 at 12:15 PM in Candidates & Races, Local Politics | Permalink


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