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Friday, September 03, 2004

Us vs. Them


Compare and Contrast: Barack Obama was the Dem Keynote Speaker, while Zell Miller keynoted the RNC convention. You can check out the really telling differences of approach by reading or, even better, by viewing their keynote speeches: Obama, Miller.

And if you agree that Obama's speech was a home run, you can even buy a shirt that features the transcript.

Some good tools for comparing Bush vs. Kerry can be found in the new Kerry Kit offered for the $4 shipping cost by MoveOn PAC. You can order a Kit for yourself, have it sent to friends or neighbors, or download most of the materials directly.

Americans for Healthcare, an arm of SEIU, offers an excellent flyer that compares the Bush and Kerry healthcare plans.

And for data nuts everywhere, we have Bush's Speech by the Numbers, which shows what he isn't interested in by the number of times his speech contained these words:

Unemployment - 0
Uninsured - 1
Outsourcing - 0
Premiums - 0
Middle-income families - 1
Iran - 0
North Korea - 0
Osama bin Laden - 0
Al Qaeda - 3

Apparently the hatefest continues as we head into the Labor Day weekend:

WEST ALLIS, Wis. (AP) President Bush on Friday wished Bill Clinton "best wishes for a swift and speedy recovery.'' "He's is in our thoughts and prayers,'' Bush said at a campaign rally. Bush's audience of thousands in West Allis, Wis., booed. Bush did nothing to stop them.

And it seems our courageous leader is already getting scared to tangle with Kerry. This article reports that the Bush camp may cut one debate from the schedule. Funny how quickly his "steel resolve" fades in the light of TV cameras trained on both the candidates sharing a stage!

September 3, 2004 at 04:35 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


Kudos to Barb Wold for keeping this site vibrant and informative!
Today at the gym I overheard two women discussing Bush, saying that "people seem numb, not just dumbed down, and I wonder if this is what it was like in the early days of Nazi Germany." The other woman, a teacher, said she doubted most Americans understood that the unfunded No Child Left Behind program was eviscerating the country's public school system.

We are grateful to the many people actively working to shine the light on what's happening, and bring about democratic change.

Meanwhile, Eat Well and Be Well.

Posted by: foodies for dean | Sep 4, 2004 5:26:23 PM

Thanks Barb for doing such a great job . The news now seems a bit grim but it is just the calm before the storm. I feel in my gut that after the holiday everyone will get a second wind and work hard and leave the Repugs behind in the dust. Look what Kerry did in Iowa!(ugh!) He can do it again.

Posted by: Jeanne Carritt | Sep 5, 2004 10:10:28 AM

Nice to hear from the Foodies! And of course Jeanne too. I notice the words "Nazi" and "fascist" are coming up alot online and in conversations these days. Remember when people used to be so confused about how people in Germany could have allowed Hitler to take control and why he was so popular with the citizenry? Sometimes I think we are receiving some answers right here in the US of A in the early 21st century.

I've never experienced a time that seemed as full of bigotry, lies, distortions, mean-spiritedness and bullying passing as patriotism and "courgage" than now. Even in the 60s there was a degree of disreputability associated with warmongering and bias. Now these attributes are touted as mainstream. As the heroic Dolores Huerta said yesterday at a rally here, we have alot of work to do....

Posted by: barb in albq | Sep 5, 2004 11:29:07 AM

We do have a LOT of work to do. The resources you posted in this article will be very helpful for pursuasion purposes. Thanks, Barb, for another excellent post.
Hi, Jeanne! Hello and welcome, Foodies!

Posted by: | Sep 5, 2004 11:48:19 AM

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