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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Join the Effort to Send Rove to Jail

The basics on Rove, Siegelman and the subpoena

I want to strongly urge you to sign the petition demanding that the U.S. House Judiciary Committee declare Karl Rove in contempt of Congress for his refusal to comply with a subpoena related to his involvement in the injustice done to former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman. I was very impressed with Siegelman and moved by his story as told to Sam Seder at Netroots Nation, and I posted about it the other day from Austin. More info: SendKarlRovetoJail.com.

Brave New Films, The Nation magazine, Campaign for America's Future, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, Progress Now Action and CREDO Mobile will host a press conference in Washington DC next Tuesday, prior to delivering the petition to the House Judiciary Committee urging committee members to "let Rove know he can't decide which subpoenas he obeys and which he ignores." In less than six days, almost 100,000 people have signed the petition. You should too.

"Karl Rove is not above the law," said Robert Greenwald, founder and president of Brave New Films in a media release. "Rove's refusal to comply with a Congressional subpoena makes a mockery of the justice system. Even former high government officials like Rove are accountable to the law.  Rove needs learn that we live in a democracy, not a dictatorship."

"Karl Rove has built a career out of bending the law, but now he seems to feel entitled simply to break it," says Michael Kieschnick, President of CREDO Mobile.  "We expect the House Judiciary Committee to agree that Karl Rove is in contempt and should be sent to jail if he persists in his flagrant disregard for the laws of this country."

Even as the President quietly finishes out his last days in office, Rove's audacious display of indifference in the face of an unambiguous legal directive is yet another reminder of the monarchical attitude toward the rule of law that has been such a consistent feature of the Bush administration over two terms -- an ugly characteristic most closely associated with Karl Rove's machinations.

Learn more about Brave New Films in this New York Times article.

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July 24, 2008 at 11:10 AM in Civil Liberties, Crime, Government, Justice | Permalink | Comments (0)

(Updated) Livestream of Obama's Speech in Berlin at 11 AM MDT

DerspiegelLots of expectations about this appearance, which Obama is trying to tamp down some. Get the livestream here starting at about 11:00 11:30 AM Mountain time. It's also live at MSNBC, and on other sites I'm sure. Crowd estimates range from 100,000 to almost a million.

Update: Here's the prepared text of Obama's speech. Some photos:






July 24, 2008 at 10:47 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election | Permalink | Comments (2)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

NM-Sen: Meet Tom Udall, Jill Cooper Udall & Martha Burk at Launch of Women for Udall

Congressman Tom Udall
Jill Cooper Udall
Invite you to attend the roll out of
Women for Udall
with special guest
Martha Burk
In support of Tom Udall, Candidate for U.S. Senate

Thursday August 7th, 10:00 AM
UNM Law School Room 2402
1117 Stanford NE, Albuquerque

For more information or to RSVP please contact Sarah Cobb at 505.884.3055 or by email: scobb@tomudall.com. Click for FLYER (pdf). Pass it on.

July 23, 2008 at 07:33 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink | Comments (1)

Obama to Air New Spanish Language Radio Ad in NM, 3 Other States

On the heels of Obama’s speeches at the LULAC (see video) and NCLR (see video) conventions, the campaign today released a Spanish language radio ad entitled "Nuestro Propio Camino," which profiles the Senator's upbringing and connection to Hispanic values. The ad will air here in New Mexico, as well as in Colorado, Florida and Nevada. You can listen to it here. The English translation is below the break.

“Latinos can relate to Senator Obama’s background of hard work and commitment to family and community,” said Federico Pena, National Campaign Co-Chair, in a statement. “Senator Obama is serious about winning the Latino vote and this Spanish language ad is but one among a variety of his efforts to build on the progress of the primary.”

Nuestro Propio Camino

[Voice Over:] Some people have power and connections.

But most of us have to make our own way through life.

This is true even for the man who could become the next President ... Barack Obama.

He grew up without a father – raised by his mother with the support of his grandparents.

Obama never forgot his roots ....

He worked with churches to help families get job training and after-school care for their children.

In the State Senate, he passed a law that helped reduce the welfare roles by over 80% by helping families to secure jobs.

And despite the political pressure, Obama has stood with us for immigration reform and spoke out for our veterans.

It’s time we had a President who understands we all deserve a chance to make our own way.

Technorati Tags:

July 23, 2008 at 12:33 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Minority Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Get Involved: DPNM Committee Hosts National Platform Hearing Friday in ABQ

This invitation is from the always active Alex Flores, a Young Democrat who's a member of the Democratic Party of New Mexico's Platform and Resolutions Committee:

This Friday, July 25th, the Democratic Party of New Mexico's Platform and Resolutions Committee will host one of Senator Barack Obama's national platform hearings here in Albuquerque. You've been invited to attend the DPNM National Democratic Platform Meeting. Go to here to RSVP.

DPNM National Platform Hearing
Friday, July 25, 2008, 6:00 PM
Plumber's and Pipefitter's Hall
510 San Pedro Drive SE
Albuquerque, NM 87108

Every four years, the Democratic Party assembles a platform that outlines the party's position on a variety of issues. Traditionally, the platform is written by paid professionals and then presented to the American people.

This year, that's going to change. From July 19 to July 27, everyday people all across America will hold Platform Meetings in their own communities. From Atlanta, Georgia to Muncie, Indiana, from Bangor, Maine to Eugene, Oregon, Americans will meet to talk about what issues are most important to them and what should be at the heart of the Democratic platform for change.

The State Platform and Resolutions Committee of the Democratic Party of New Mexico is happy to host one of these events here in the Land of Enchantment.

The results of these Platform Meetings will be incorporated into the formal process that culminates in the adoption of the platform at the Democratic Convention in August. A few participants may even be invited to appear and testify at the National Hearing and at the Convention!

You can write the next chapter in the history of the Democratic Party.

Technorati Tags:

July 23, 2008 at 10:47 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (2)

Thursday: NARAL Pro-Choice Political Update

Invites you to a
Pro-Choice Political Update
Newly elected local pro-choice leaders
& NARAL Pro-Choice New Mexico

Get an inside look at the upcoming general election
and our progress in electing a pro-choice Senate in NM.
We need your help to elect more pro-choice leaders!

Thursday, July 24, 6 - 7:30 PM
907 Silver Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102
Refreshments will be served.
$75 suggested contribution

Please RSVP to Anathea Chino at (505) 243-4443 or achino@prochoicenm.org. Due to the political nature of our work, contributions to ChoicePAC are not tax-deductible.

Technorati Tags:

July 23, 2008 at 10:30 AM in Events, Local Politics, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Obama in Iraq and Saturday Neighborhood Team Training

Obama in Iraq: Cheering troups and state department workers

FYI, we heard from an excellent source at Netroots Nation in Austin that the always indefatigable John Blair (no, not Jon Blair) is set to be named the New Mexico political director for the Obama campaign. Fabulous choice, isn't it? John Blair is a ball of energy directed by top of the line brain cells. Perfect.

From the New Mexico Campaign for Change:
This Saturday, July 26th, supporters are coming together across New Mexico for Campaign for Change Neighborhood Team trainings to learn how they can help Barack in their community. These trainings will help you work with other supporters in your neighborhood to get organized, build our grassroots movement for change, and help candidates up and down the ballot. Find a training in your area and join fellow Obama supporters this Saturday.

At the trainings we'll discuss our strategy in New Mexico and how you can play a big role this November. We'll give you the tools to grow our movement and reach out to your friends, family, and neighbors in your community. No experience is necessary to attend. All you need is a hunger for change and a willingness to turn your enthusiasm into action.

Attend the training closest to you this Saturday to take the next step in helping Barack and other Democrats compete in New Mexico.

Technorati Tags:

July 22, 2008 at 02:28 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM-Sen: Udall Challenges Pearce to Three Statewide TV Debates

TudallterrellThings are heating up in the U.S. Senate race in New Mexico. Yesterday, Rep. Tom Udall's campaign  challenged Repub nominee Steve Pearce to participate in three statewide televised debates. In a letter (see below the fold) Udall’s campaign invited Pearce’s campaign to begin coordinating details and discussing the two candidate’s busy schedules.

Can't wait to watch these -- IF Pearce accepts the invitation. As we've seen during the GOP Senate primary, Pearce isn't exactly a scintillating debater. I guess it's hard when you have to defend so many awful Bush-McCain policies and positions ....

Vote Now at Give 'Em Hell Harry
By the way, Tom Udall is one of two finalists in the voting in Sen. Harry Reid's Give 'Em Hell Harry poll for Senate candidates. You have until July 28th to weigh in. The winner will get to send two emails to the GiveEmHellHarry.com list and attract the financial resources needed to win big this Fall. Please vote. It's almost as good as making a donation to Tom yourself. What a bargain.

July 21, 2008

Mr. Bob Carter
Campaign Manager
Steve Pearce for Senate
121 Wyatt, Suite 14
Las Cruces, NM  88001

Dear Mr. Carter:
As we all prepare for this year’s historic elections, New Mexico and the nation are at a crossroads.  Do we continue the policies of the past eight years that have resulted in so many hardships for working families, or do we drastically change the direction of our country and begin doing the right thing for the people of New Mexico?

Tom Udall has been crisscrossing the state, listening to New Mexicans who are desperate for a government that will do the right thing and come up with solutions to fix our ailing economy, bring down skyrocketing gas prices, and take care of our veterans.  They are looking for leadership on these and so many other issues, and they will be looking to their next United States Senator to provide that leadership.

To make the decision of who our next Senator will be, New Mexicans deserve to see the candidates side-by-side, engaging in a vigorous exchange of ideas with each other.  They deserve to see where each candidate stands on the issues that matter most to New Mexico and our nation.

To that end, we propose that Congressman Pearce join Congressman Udall in a series of three statewide televised debates.

We propose the following principles to shape the debate schedule:

  • Three televised debates, to begin after Labor Day;
  • Debates coordinated to reach every part of New Mexico;
  • A variety of formats to allow the most statewide interaction with the people of New Mexico.

We look forward to working with the Pearce campaign to agree upon three, well-planned, statewide debates heading into the fall.  We hope the Pearce campaign will join us to ensure that all New Mexicans have the opportunity to participate and have their voices heard in this historic United States Senate campaign.

I will be contacting you in the coming days to set up a meeting where we can work out the details.  We look forward to finalizing a debate schedule and giving the people of New Mexico the chance to see the candidates exchange ideas and discuss their very different visions for the direction of our state and our country.

Amanda Cooper
Campaign Manager, Udall for Us All

Photo Credit: Steve Terrell.

Tom Udall is a True Blue New Mexico candidate, so please give what you can in terms of time and/or money to help him get elected.

Technorati Tags:

July 22, 2008 at 11:48 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink | Comments (1)

Last Chance: Register for Camp Equality Training This Weekend


I've heard great stuff about the quality of this training. If you're you're new to political activism, have experience as a volunteer or are a seasoned professional, Camp Equality provides an opportunity to improve your effectiveness, and does so at an extremely reasonable price.

From the Human Rights Campaign: There's still space available for the Albuquerque Camp Equality the weekend of July 26-27.  This is an exciting opportunity that will prepare you to help make 2008 the Year to Win for GLBT individuals across the country. Register now at www.hrc.org/camequality!

This year, elections will occur for a new president, all U.S. House members, one-third of the U.S. Senate, and thousands of state legislators. The Human Rights Campaign will be on the campaign trail every step of the way - and we want you to be there, too.

That's why we're holding Camp Equality - a two-day training session to develop and hone campaigning skills - in Albuquerque on July 26-27. Watch this video to learn more.

Whether you are just getting involved in the electoral process or are a campaign professional, Camp Equality can help you learn how to become more effective at advocating your causes and your candidates.  We will offer two training tracks:

Fundamentals Track: Designed to give you the step by step fundamentals necessary to be successful at the grassroots level.  Topics will include: planning, recruitment, volunteer coordinating, event fundraising, earned media, and creating a local activist plan.  You will learn the basic skills that are essential to putting your issue campaign or local committee in the best position to win.

Advanced Track: For our more seasoned activist or campaign professionals. This track offers the fundamentals of political campaign management.  During your sessions you will learn advanced techniques of fundraising, field organizing, media relations, volunteer coordination, targeting, candidate relations, and the latest campaign technology.

If you have ever thought about volunteering for a campaign or already have experience in campaigns, we hope that you will take advantage of this excellent opportunity to gain valuable knowledge that you can apply to all aspects of campaign operations.  Registration for Camp Equality is $35 and includes a one-year HRC membership.

Albuquerque Camp Equality Partners:

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July 22, 2008 at 10:46 AM in Education, Events, GLBT Rights, Progressivism | Permalink | Comments (0)

New Mexico Election Reform Coalition Urges Investigation of Missing Ballots

Update: Bravo election reform advocates. According to an article in today's Santa Fe New Mexican, a spokesperson from Attorney General Gary King's office has stated an investigation has been launched into what happened to the missing ballots, although no details were provided.
A coalition of election reform organizations has called for a thorough investigation of the Cibola County incident in which two ballot boxes and 182 paper ballots went mysteriously missing at two precincts following the June 3 primary. In a press release, Verified Voting New Mexico and United Voters of New Mexico insist that the in-depth probe is necessary in order to strengthen voter confidence in the fairness of election outcomes, especially in the run-up to the critical general election in November.

Clemente Sanchez, candidate in the District 30 State Senate race, lost by five votes to incumbent David Ulibarri, who is Cibola County Manager. Sanchez has protested the lack of investigation into the election circumstances, and also the subsequent recount and July 11 certification of results by the State Canvassing Board. The state Attorney General has said the incident is "under review" but has not said that an investigation is underway.   

"We want the appropriate county and state authorities to take full formal action on this under the law," said Robert Stearns, steering committee member of Verified Voting New Mexico. "The election officials in the two precincts told the County Clerk that they don't remember what happened to the missing ballot boxes and ballots. The inquiry should not be left there. This involves New Mexico voters and the integrity of their vote -- the very foundation of American democracy."

Paul Stokes, coordinator of United Voters of New Mexico, said, "The law requires the County Canvassing Board to issue a summons to the Precinct Board if there are missing or defective returns. This and other actions available to the Attorney General must be undertaken to assure, to the maximum extent possible, that the Cibola Senate race was decided correctly."

Founded separately in 2004 and 2005, Verified Voting New Mexico and United Voters of New Mexico form a coalition of organizations and individuals concerned with strengthening the accuracy, accountability and transparency of the election process.

Technorati Tags:

July 22, 2008 at 09:57 AM in Candidates & Races, Election Reform & Voting | Permalink | Comments (4)