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Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Mission NOT Accomplished


Since so many of us will be phonebanking and canvassing for various organizations from now until the election, I thought I'd pass along some food for thought that might be used to make your arguments for a Bush defeat. These are from the NM Democratic Party Victory Line email:

Since George Bush took office, 7,000 manufacturing jobs have been lost in New Mexico. [Bureau of Labor Statistics] Average wages in industries that are growing pay $8,338 less than in industries that are contracting. [EPI, “Average Wages in Growing and Contracting Industries, End of Recession Through November 2003] Since George Bush has taken office, family income in America has dropped by $1,462. [US Census Bureau]

In New Mexico, the total family premium for health insurance has increased by $2,551 to $8,773. [2000 MEPS Data from the Agency for Healthcare Quality Research projected forward using KFF National Premium Increase] Health care premiums increased by 13.9% last year while workers’ earnings increased by only 3.1%. This is the fifth year in a row that premiums outpaced earnings. [Kaiser Family Foundation, “Trends and Indicators in the Changing Health Care Marketplace, 2004 Update”]

George Bush has requested $69,250,500 less than is needed to fully fund No Child Left Behind for 2005 in New Mexico. This shortfall will make it difficult for schools in New Mexico to meet the educational needs of its students. [Children’s Defense Fund, “Nearly Every School District In America Left Behind By President's Education Budget,” 4/30/04] Since Bush has taken office, tuition in New Mexico has increased by $614 at four-year public universities. [American Association of State Colleges and Universities; National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges; Based on College Board Tuition Increase]

MISSION NOT ACCOMPLISHED: Bush and Homeland Security
Bush cut state and local grant funding for first responder training, exercise, and technical assistance by nearly half, from $320 million in 2004 to $178 million in 2005. New Mexico will receive less than what police, firefighters and other first responders in need to get the training they need. [Budget of the United States, www.omb.gov]

Getting enough money allocated, getting possession of the money once it's authorized and having input into what types of expenditures the feds will pay for, are among the headaches facing local governments as they attempt to train and equip themselves against the possibilities of terrorism. Jim Hunter, director of Emergency Preparedness said Albuquerque has been promised $2.9 million in homeland security funds since Sept. 11, 2001, but only $700,000 has been delivered. [Albuquerque Tribune, 7/08/04]
Here's a piece written by Sen. Robert Byrd on the same topic of Mission NOT Accomplished. And a DNC site with this theme.

September 7, 2004 at 11:55 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


I love that photo of Bush. It captures all his fascist qualities. Nice website too!

Posted by: Red Rover in CO | Sep 7, 2004 5:23:33 PM

Incredible work putting these talking points together. I'm especially pleased to find all of the data backed up with documentation. Well done.

Posted by: John McAndrew | Sep 8, 2004 12:24:15 AM

Actually it was the DNC that did all the hard work. For once!

Posted by: barb in albq | Sep 8, 2004 10:10:46 AM

what a miserable failure bush is.

Posted by: mary ellen | Sep 8, 2004 11:31:25 AM

Hey, that was Dick Gephardt's line, remember?

Posted by: barb in albq | Sep 8, 2004 12:14:50 PM

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